Member's display MARKEDCARDS Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd

39 ads published by Markedcards |
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
This is our new cuff camera for poker analyzer, it is a little different from previous cuff camera and it has some advantages: > it is for Samsung poker analyzer, the distance is 20-38cm; > it is not like previous cuff camera which has to be install into the sleeves of shirts or jackets...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Magic Tricks Sleeve Button Camera With Short Distance To Scan Bar-Codes Marked Cards For Poker Playing Cards Reader Maybe many people already know or heard about different cameras to scan edge marked cards for poker scanners, such as mobile phone camera, lighter camera, zippo camera...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Reliance-555 paper Playing Cards are from Mid east and Asia users, in Mid east and Asia every casino, every player, every club play this kind of playing cards, it is very popular to Mid-east people, such as Oman, Iran, Iraq, Arab and so on. Completely washable, you don't need to...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Gamble Magic King KEM Plastic Cards For Marked Cards With Red And White Color King Kem plastic marked cards 100% Plastic Playing Cards are from Turkey and many Europe countries, in Turkey and many Europe countries many casinos, many players, many clubs play this kind of playing cards...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
This is a new design cuff camera, you can put it under your wrist and wear any shirts and jackets, and this new design cuff camera won't be influence by your sleeves. The distance of this cuff camera can be made about 60cm, and the battery is changeable, so that your can use it...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
Baccarat Dealing Shoe To See The First Coming Card And To Change The Cards Dealt / Punto Bacon / Blackjack This is a new technology of baccarat game, as for this kind of dealing shoe, it seems to look like a normal and additional dealing shoe, while it is a poker cheat device to gamble...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
Advanced Technology Baccarat Dealing Shoe Scanning Poker Software To See And Capture a Picture For 8 Decks Of Sides Marking Playing Cards This is a new and advanced top technology automatic focus scanning camera installed into the bag for 8 decks of sides bar-codes marked playing...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
New Computer Poker Analysis Software To See All Cards And Ranks Of Players In Screen This is a new poker software computer system, this poker system can show you the order of all cards on the top of computer, and also can show you every card which are holding in all players' hands...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
Texas Hold'em Game Playing In Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Poker Analyzer And See The Winners In The Watch In our newest and latest model poker analyzer - Samsung Galaxy Note7, we can put 5 games inside, such as Texas Hold'em, Omaha 4 cards, Omaha 5 cards, Russian seca game, Flush game and so on...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
Blue-Tooth Watch For Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Pk King 708 Poker Analyzer To See The Result It is very popular to most of people to wear blue-tooth watch on their hands, so it is very common, while now our newest model poker analyzer - Samsung Galaxy Note 7 PK King 708 also have a blue-tooth watch...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
2017 Galaxy Note7 PK King 708 Poker Analyzer With Newest Technology This is a latest model poker analyzer in 2017, it is made of top technology, it can put 5 games, such as Texas Hold'em, Omaha 4 cards, Omaha 5 cards, Russian seca game, Flush game, Omaha five one and Omaha five two and so on...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
A Plus Plastic Poker Playing Cards With Green / Brown Color For Contact Lenses / For Poker Predictor / For Backside Camera A Plus plastic poker Playing Cards are from USA users, in USA every casino, every player, every club play this kind of playing cards, it is very popular to American...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Red And Blue Modiano Golden Trophy Plastic Cards For UV Contact Lenses / Poker Analyzer / Backside Marking Camera modiano golden trophy plastic cards are 100% Plastic Italian Playing Cards are from Italy and many Europe countries, in Italy and many Europe countries many casinos...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
This is a real smoke detector, it is very common device in the world, and every building and every house has any different styles of smoke detector, so no one will realize its existence. While as no one will care about its existence, so it is this smoke detector's advantage for us...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
At present XF poker cheating company has many different styles of cameras for any different devices, so that you can use any of them to win a lot of money during your poker games or hold your private magic tricks show. And no one will discover the secret of how you always to win...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
This is a excellent leather belt, and it is normal and common leather belt, every one uses any styles leather belt, so that who will care about what kind of leather belt you wear. While before we always make leather belt cameras to scan sides bar-codes marking playing cards for...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Before many people know about some poker exchangers, such as ghost hand, wallet poker exchanger, purse poker exchanger, short purse exchanger, long purse exchanger, and now there was samsung mobile phone poker exchanger. While now as the technology is improving, now we have a new...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
This is a new style lamp, and it is a common LED lamp which can be set on the ceiling or table lamp. It is a good LED lamp, as we can install about 20 pieces of small red laser lights and one laser camera inside to see the laser ink marked cards for laser camera. And we also can...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
This is a new poker exchanger device which is can exchange the cards very fast. While it is a new style poker exchanger, as we install the device into the money, such as RMB, Dollars, Euro and so on, every country's money we can do that. And we will make the money poker exchanger...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
This is a new style sleeve cuff camera to scan side-marks playing cards for poker analyzer, you can use it under your wrist to scan the bar-codes playing cards and you also can from the side of your wrist to scan the marked cards, we will make it how to scan the marked cards as your...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
This is a new design PTZ camera which is installed in the public space or certain occasions to keep watch on everything, while there will be no one that will realize it is a not common monitor camera, as we will install a camera which is gambling cheating device inside to see the...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
This is another style Samsung poker analyzer, it is a little thin and look like more original Samsung poker analyzer, we called it CVK. It has Chinese version and English version, and it has many poker games, such as Texas Hold' em, Omaha 4 cards, Omaha 5 cards, Report one by one and so on...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
It is a real button on the chest of shirt, it looks like common small button of shirt, but no one will realize that in reality it is not a normal button, as it is a button camera to scan edge sides bar-codes marking playing cards and to work with different frequencies of poker scanners...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Poker cheat iPhone 4 mobile phone camera for poker predictor / iPhone 5 mobile phone camera / iPhone 6 camera This is a iPhone 4 mobile phone, we have copy iPhone 4 and original iPhone 4, it is a normal mobile phone which has all functions of iPhone 4. But it is also a poker cheating device...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Long Size Chiptray Camera For Poker Analyzer, Chip Box Camera / Black Tray Camera This is a longer chip tray in gamble poker club which can put 500 pieces of chips on when play poker games or dices games. While we are able to improve this chip tray to be gamble cheating products...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Black Plastic Chiptray Camera For Poker Analyzer, Chip Box Camera / Tray Camera This is a standard and common chip tray in casino which can put 350 pieces of chips on when play poker games or dices games. While we are able to improve this chip tray to be gamble cheating products...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Chest Button Auto Sensor Camera For Poker Analyzer / Button Camera / Sleeve Button Camera / Auto Camera This is a real button which can provide you to be used on your shirt or Jacket or coat, this is a common object, while more common objects, more people will be more difficult...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
White Samsung S4 Mobile Phone Poker Analyzer Which Is Newest Model Of K3 Since last year there was a poker analyzer which is Samsung mobile phone, but it is black color. As for the color, everyone has their favorite color and their lucky color, for many people, they always like black color...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Black Color Second Generation Poker Scanner With Omaha 4 Cards / Omaha 5 Cards / Texas Hold' Em / Poker Software This is a second generation poker analyzer which can set 5 different poker games, its functions is similar to first generation poker analyzer, as it also needs to input...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Samsung Poker Analyzer With Omaha 6 Cards Playing Poker Game / Texas Hold' Em / Omaha 4 Cards / Omaha 5 Cards As for Omaha 6 cards, its rule is similar to Texas hold' em's and Omaha 4 cards' and Omaha 5 cards poker games, the difference is just the numbers of cards dealt. When...
Guangzhou XF Poker Cheat Co.,Ltd
- markedcards
- 510403 - Guangzhou
- +8613926243807