Our legal information
The website Algomtl.com is edited and hosted by:
Advisto SAS (Algomtl Service)
51 boulevard de Strasbourg
75010 Paris
Advisto is a company created in 2004 with an equity of 37 000 EUR.
EU VAT Number: FR29479205452
Resigration number: PARIS B 479 205 452
APE code: 6201Z
Publication director is Gilles Boussin.
You can contact us via contact from, via email at contact@advisto.fr or by phone from Monday to Friday from 09:30AM to 01:00 PM and from 02:00PM to 06:00PM :
+33 (0) 1 43 58 01 60
Protection of your data
Although we make all efforts to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure nor warrant that the information you transmit us, directly or by the means of our products or services on line, is protected. Thus you communicate them to us at your own risks. After reception of your data, we endeavor to ensure their safety on our systems.
In accordance with the French Data-processing and Freedom law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and the freedoms, you have a constant right of access, of correction and deletion of the data concerning you. This right could be exerted directly on the site in your space « My account » where you can modify the personal data concerning you, by sending a message in « Contact Us », or by writing to us at the address indicated in « About Us ».
Use of your data
To deliver a service of quality, we may be brought to collect personal data on the Users. We automatically record certain data relating to your practices on our site. We use these in-house data to make statistics on our users, their interests and their behaviors always with an aim of better serving them. These data are compiled and analyzed in their entirety, and can include the URL which you have just visited, that on which you will go, the navigator that you use, and your IP address. We also use cookies (small files stored on your hard disk) in order to store in particular the language in which you wish to visualize the site, as well as the two currencies of your choice.
In addition, if you indicated at the moment of your inscription that you wish to receive offers or information of our share, we will occasionally email you information on the products and services which may interest you. If you do not wish to receive such messages, you can specify it when you communicate us personal information.
If this communication is reasonably necessary to conform to the actual French laws and rules and or with any legal or administrative requisition, to protect us, our users or any other person, you accept and authorize the communication to third parties of all information related to you.