Equipment goods

XF Omaha 5 Cards With Two Groups Of 5 Pieces Of Community Cards In Samsung Poker Scanne...

Quantity : 1   Price : 1,00 €

Omaha 5 Cards With Two Groups Of 5 Pieces Of Community Cards In Samsung Poker Scanner / Omaha Poker Game / Texas Hold' Em / Omaha 4 Cards
In our new Samsung poker analyzer, there is a popular poker game, it is called Omaha 5 cards which is dealt 2 groups of 5 pieces of common cards.
as for this Omaha 5 cards with 2 groups of common cards, the dealer will deal 5 pieces of cards which face down to each players first, and then will remove one piece of cards, and deal 3 pieces of flop cards on first group, and continue to deal another 3 pieces of flop cards on second group; and then will remove one more piece of card, and deal one piece of turn card on first group, and continue to deal another one piece of card on second group; and then will remove one more piece of card, and deal one piece of river card on first group, and continue to deal another one piece of card on second group.
At last, the players will choose 2 pieces of cards from their 5 pieces of cards faced down and choose 3 pieces of cards from the first group of community cards to combine into the best hand of cards ; and then they will also choose another 3 pieces of cards from the second group of community cards to combine into the best hand of cards.
While our Samsung poker analyzer will analyze the marked playing cards which scanned by infrared camera, such as mobile phone infrared camera, chip-tray camera, lighter camera and so on, and will say who is the winners.
Poker Analyzer / poker predictor / magnetic dice table / Remote Control Dices/ Contact lenses / poker analyzer / luminous card / Marked cards / Micro Earphone / Texas hold em cheat / poker scanner / contact lenses / cards cheat / black and white camera / poker cheat / invisible ink / Omaha poker analyzer china / marked cards playing cards china / KEM Marked cards / Fournier marked cards / copag marked cards / modiano marked cards / poker analyzer / uv contact lenses / electronic dices / cheating device in poker / Taxes hold'em analyzer / Remote Control Dices / power bank / portable power / mobile power / Omaha poker analyzer / Perspective Poker / Invisible Ink / Micro Headset / Micro Camera / Poker Change Devices / Bluetooth earpiece / mini camera with Bluetooth / seca game / Poker Analytic Software / Wireless Transmitter / Marked cards / Card reader / Casino cheat / Contact Lens / Poker Chips Hidden Camera / Mahjong / Gambling Machine / Cheating Analyzer / Analytic / mobile scanner / Texas Poker / Blackjack / Mobile Phone / poker analyzer / Wide-Angle / Hidden Bar code / DSpecial Made / Range / Watch scanner / Lighter scanner / marked cards / invisible ink / points / perspective Glasses / Operate / Poker cheat marked cards / poker scanner / cards cheat / contact lenses / invisible ink / marked playing cards / cards playing cards / playing cards china / marked cards china / poker cheat / texas hold em cheat / Omaha cheat / cheat in poker / cheat poker / cheat poker cards / cheat in casino / cheat system / cheat poker texas / cheat holdem poker / poker cheat engine / cheat at dice / contact lenses / invisible ink / poker cheat / electronic dices America / Canada / Russia / Ukraine / Belarus /mid east / North America / CIS / Iran / Africa / Armenia / Moldova / Azerbaijan / Turkmenistan / Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan / Algeria / Egypt / Botswana / Gabon / Libya / Mauritius / morocco / Namibia / south-Africa / seyadz / Tunisia
marked cards / poker scanner / cards cheat / contact lenses / invisible ink / marked playing cards / cards playing cards / playing cards china / marked cards china / poker cheat / Texas hold em cheat / Omaha cheat / cheat in poker / cheat poker / cheat poker cards / cheat in casino / cheat system / cheat poker Texas / cheat hold-em poker / poker cheat engine / cheat at dice / contact lenses / invisible ink / poker cheat / electronic dices / poker analyzer / poker smoothsayer
Skype: xfsales7
Mobile: +8613926243807
Viber/Whatsapp/Wechat: +8613926243807
ICQ: 691640554

Location : Airport Road, Baiyun District, 510403 Guangzhou,
Contact : Andy Poker, +8613926243807

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XF Omaha 5 Cards With Two Groups Of 5 Pieces Of Community Cards In Samsung Poker Scanne...

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