CHERCHE - 1767 ads
Friday, February 28, 2025
Quantity : *** - Price : ***
organic snails from Morocco several breeds, we are looking for customers all over the world. Location : oulad tayeb ,route imouzzer,saiss, 30023 fes, Contact : douzi issam, +212669412894
- 30023 - fes
- +212669412894
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Quantity : 500 Litres - Price : Huile de Baobab 1 Li
Disponible chez nous L'HUILE EXTRAIT DU BAOBAB. Quantité : 500 Litres par mois. Prix; 55 Euro le litre à Madagascar. Notre entreprise cherche des clients pour nos produit locaux. Non seulement sur le huile du baobab Vous pouvez demander aussi L'HUILE EXTRAIT DE VANILLE. Quantité disponible...
- 101 - Antananarivo
- 03 40 28 20 31
- +261322531657
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Price : 200 à 300 DH l'heure
Je cherche à donner des cours de soutien scolaire. Je suis marocain de Casablanca, ingénieur en ayant une maitrise en mathématiques appliquées. Depuis 20 ans, je suis responsable du Département Systèmes d'Informations d'une société financière. Je cherche à donner des cours en informatique...
- lionparnature
- 05 22 43 20 18
- 06 61 86 20 99
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Quantity : 1 ton - Price : à partir de 3 Euros/
We are manufacturers of a range of tire sealants patented and manufactured in Tunisia, distributed today in France and in the world army; get important benefits becoming an importer/distributor of the XTRM SYSTEMS TUNISIE range in your country. Location : Bd Abdessalem, 5011 Khniss, Contact ...
- xtrm
- 5011 - Khniss
- +21 6 25 89 15 10
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Bonjour, Nous somme une societe implantée au Maroc opérant dans différents domaines ( Habillement, alimentation, artisanal... etc), nous vous cherchons des produits dont vous avez besoin dans le Maroc avec meilleurs prix, n'hésitez pas a nous contacter et de nous envoyer vos demande...
- abdou21
- 21000 - casablanca
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Quantity : 20 - Price : selon la commande
As a company producing Moroccan traditional ready-to-wear, we are looking for iportateurs customers of all traditional Moroccan clothing, we have our brand in Morocco and we are qualified of the good quality whatever be at the level of the fabrics, pearls and all utulised supplies...
- 11000 - sale
- +212600505040
- 212600505040
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Bonjour. Je cherche des partenaires solides financièrement et possédant des bateaux de pêche pour créer une société de pêche de droit mauritanien. Les côtes mauritaniennes sont connues pour la qualité de leur poisson et pour être les plus poissonneuses au monde. Mes partenaires et...
Établissement MOACG
- 20000 - Nouakchott
- +22 2 33 02 85 80
- +22 2 22 11 74 61
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Messieurs, Je cherche des acheteurs ou intermédiaires pour la vente d'une grande quantité DE CAJOU. Les produits sont disponibles au Burkina Faso Recevez mes collaborations sincères Tel: +229 64567665 Location : Cotonou , 08bp106. Cotonou , Contact : Jean luc Bossou, 0022964567665...
- bossou
- 08bp106. - Cotonou
- 0022964567665 / 0022674561021
- +22 9 64 56 76 65
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
GAMMA BETA UNIVERSAL SERVICES cherche partenaire pour la mise en place d'une usine transformation de produits halieutiques. Location : n°10 632 sicap foire DAKAR SENEGAL, 99 DAKAR, Contact : ELHADJI AMADOU POUYE, 00221774938309
- 99 - DAKAR
- 00221774938309
- 00221765080007
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Quantity : 250 - Price : 10,00 €
Looking for buyers for the export of our raffia crochet productions, beach bags in Rabanne and soubic, and many other artisanal products from Madagascar to send them to Europe or anywhere in the world. Located in Madagascar, we are a team of 300 highly qualified and very demanding...
- 102 - Andoharanofotsy
- +261349637741
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Price : 2,80 €
My Day de Paris Royale est un parfum féminin enchanteur qui combine astucieusement des notes boisées et florales, avec des ingrédients provenant du monde entier de manière responsable. Le parfum débute par un mélange lumineux et pétillant de bergamote et de fleur d'oranger d...
MSY Invest
- 2840 - Rumst
- +32 2 5205333
- +32 4 85 44 80 85
Monday, February 03, 2025
I am an Exporter of fresh and frozen fish. I am looking for potential serious customers for the sale of our products. I sell different fish species including grouper; Bonito (SKIPJACK), sea bream, sea bream, brotula, grouper; zebra; horse mackerel sardinella... I am able to provide...
- 40300 - MARRAKECH
- 06 20 81 34 01
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Price : 7,49 €
Quiconque cherche un simple de presser le jus de ses fruits préférés peut utiliser le presse-citron et fruits manuel en aluminum de Herzberg. The presse-fruits are manipulative with the fruits and the fruits are also manufactured and metal robust for more expensive. The forme distinctive...
MSY Invest
- 2840 - Rumst
- +32 2 5205333
- +32 4 85 44 80 85
Thursday, December 05, 2024
Quantity : 99 - Price : 199,00 €
- NUMÉRO D'UN VRAI MARABOUT RECONNU DU MONDE JEANPAUL+229 01 51 33 03 33. - Vous recherchez ou vous avez besoin de toute urgence le numéro d'un vrai marabout. Un marabout sérieux, un puissant marabout compétent et rapide JEANPAUL. Pour les réèls réalisation des rituels Africain du culte Vaudou...
- 75001 - Paris
- +2290151330333
- 002290151330333
Friday, November 15, 2024
Quantity : 250 - Price : 10,00 €
Looking for buyers for the export of our raffia crochet productions, beach bags in Rabanne and soubic, and many other artisanal products from Madagascar to send them to Europe or anywhere in the world. Located in Madagascar, we are a team of 300 highly qualified and very demanding...
- 102 - Andoharanofotsy
- +261349637741
Monday, October 21, 2024
Quantity : 250 - Price : 10,00 €
Looking for buyers for the export of our raffia crochet productions, beach bags in Rabanne and soubic, and many other artisanal products from Madagascar to send them to Europe or anywhere in the world. Located in Madagascar, we are a team of 300 highly qualified and very demanding...
- 102 - Andoharanofotsy
- +261349637741
Tuesday, October 08, 2024
Looking for buyers for our production of raffia crochet, Rabanne and soubic beach bags, and many other handicraft products from Madagascar. We are a team of 300 highly qualified employees capable of mass production. We have all the necessary papers for export, enabling us to send...
- 102 - Andoharanofotsy
- +261349637741
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Looking for buyers for our production of sandals for men, women and children. We use leather materials to develop sandals that follow fashion and especially comfortable to wear We are a team of 300 highly qualified employees capable of mass production. We have all the necessary papers...
- 102 - Andoharanofotsy
- +261349637741
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Quantity : 250 - Price : 10,00 €
Looking for buyers for our production of raffia crochet, Rabanne and soubic beach bags, and many other handicraft products from Madagascar. We are a team of 300 highly qualified employees capable of mass production. We have all the necessary papers for export, enabling us to send...
Sac artisanale de Madagascar
- Sac de raphia
- 102 - Antananarivo
- +261349637741
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Quantity : 250
Looking for buyers for our production of raffia crochet, Rabanne and soubic beach bags, and many other handicraft products from Madagascar. We are a team of 300 highly qualified employees capable of mass production. We have all the necessary papers for export, enabling us to send...
- 102 - Andoharanofotsy
- +261349637741
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Looking for buyers for our production of raffia crochet, Rabanne and soubic beach bags, and many other handicraft products from Madagascar. We are a team of 300 highly qualified employees capable of mass production. We have all the necessary papers for export, enabling us to send...
Sac artisanale de Madagascar
- Sac de raphia
- 102 - Antananarivo
- +261349637741
Saturday, September 07, 2024
Looking for buyers for our production of sandals for men, women and children. We use leather materials to develop sandals that follow fashion and especially comfortable to wear We are a team of 300 highly qualified employees capable of mass production. We have all the necessary papers...
- 102 - Andoharanofotsy
- +261349637741
Monday, August 26, 2024
We are currently seeking reliable and high-quality suppliers of black pepper for our operations. As we expand our product range, we are looking for partners who can meet our requirements for quality, consistency, and timely delivery. If your company specializes in the supply of black...
Daghnouj Eyaa
- 3027 - Sfax
- 99266408
- 29387036
Monday, August 26, 2024
Looking for buyers for our production of raffia crochet, Rabanne and soubic beach bags, and many other handicraft products from Madagascar. We are a team of 300 highly qualified employees capable of mass production. We have all the necessary papers for export, enabling us to send...
- 102 - Andoharanofotsy
- +261349637741
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Quantity : 250
Looking for buyers for our production of raffia crochet, Rabanne and soubic beach bags, and many other handicraft products from Madagascar. We are a team of 300 highly qualified employees capable of mass production. We have all the necessary papers for export, enabling us to send...
- 102 - Andoharanofotsy
- +261349637741
Tuesday, August 06, 2024
Quantity : 250
Looking for buyers for our production of raffia crochet, Rabanne and soubic beach bags, and many other handicraft products from Madagascar. We are a team of 300 highly qualified employees capable of mass production. We have all the necessary papers for export, enabling us to send...
- 102 - Andoharanofotsy
- +261349637741
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Looking for buyers for our production of raffia crochet, Rabanne and soubic beach bags, and many other handicraft products from Madagascar. We are a team of 300 highly qualified employees capable of mass production. We have all the necessary papers for export, enabling us to send...
- 102 - Andoharanofotsy
- +261349637741
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Nous sommes une société algérienne de conditionnement des fruits et légumes algérienne Cherche des clients pour exporter notre produit Agricoles. Oignons,tomate, aubergine, piment, dattes... ..ext MIDOU Expo. Location : Mostaganem , 27000 Mostaganem , Contact : Hamza Ayad, 00213557165222
Midou expo
- 27000 - Mostaganem
- 00213557165222
- +34 6 04 17 96 19
Friday, July 05, 2024
Société basé à Madagascar , nous proposons des produits de haute qualité : triés, préparés et calibrés à la main par une équipe avec 20 ans d'expérience dans le domaine. Nous garantissons une variété d'épices haut de gamme, sélectionnées, naturelles et saisonnières répondant à vos attentes...
- +261343413481
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Quantity : 50
Cherche investisseur(s) pour construire 50 aparthotels en Algérie Location : 01 Rue Ahmed Amraoui-Hussein-Dey-ALGER, 16008 ALGER, Contact : Si ahmed Si ahmed, 213 554 82 24 22
- lerenard
- 16008 - ALGER
- 213 554 82 24 22
- 213 561 78 63 07