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My destockage les entreprises sont contraintes de mettre en place un plan de gestion efficace pour réduire le coût de stockage de ces surplus, ou stocks morts. Soldoo la difficulté consiste d'une part à séduire des consommateurs qui ont déjà mis à l'écart ces produits, et d'autre part à convaincre ce public exigeant, de la pertinence d'acheter un article aux qualités intéressantes, même si ce dernier est déjà obsolète dans son secteur Soldoo (comme dans le domaine high-tech qui évolue très vite).

Location : Les Beauforts, 63560 Neuf Eglise,
Contact : Gérard LESCHER, 04 73 85 53 53

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China 325000 Jewelry
Leather belt china factory offer good quality with cheap price

Friday, April 08, 2016

Wenzhou Vogue Leather Industrial Co., Ltd was founded in 2010 and rigister at Hongkong on 2015, which including development,design,manufacture,and sales. Our team have more than 10 years' experience of manufacturing and exporting leather belt,bag,wallet and other fashion accessories ...

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China 400020 Equipment goods
Double Stage Vacuum Insulation Oil Regeneration Purifier

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Quantity : 1 - Price : 27990USD

Transformer Oil purifier from China Alibaba Golden Supplier VFD-200 Flow Rate: 12000l/h Application VFD series is mainly used to improve the properties of insulation oil. It can remove trace water, ga s, particulate matters etc. from the insulating oil effectively and rapidly...

Sino-NSH Oil Purifier Manufacture Co. Ltd.

China 400020 Equipment goods
Transformer Oil purifier from China Alibaba Golden Supplier

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Quantity : 1 - Price : 15990 USD

Transformer Oil purifier from China Alibaba Golden Supplier VFD-75 Flow Rate: 4500l/h Application VFD series is mainly used to improve the properties of insulation oil. It can remove trace water, ga s, particulate matters etc. from the insulating oil effectively and rapidly so...

Sino-NSH Oil Purifier Manufacture Co. Ltd.