Member's display UMAFADHA Fadha de L'UMA

2 ads published by Umafadha

Canada Stock lots
photo not available

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Scrap Metal, of ..... Tons of Sale. The opportunity to Scrap not to be missed. Our FOB price is $ 455 CND .. Then the seller and the buyer will make a Top Table meeting in Spain. See scrap. The seller can not keep the scrap for a long time because there are many of other buyers waiting...

Fadha de L'UMA

Canada Stock lots
photo not available

Friday, May 11, 2012

Price : $CND 455 FOB

La Ferraille , des…..des Tonnes & Tonnes à Vendre. Une opportunité, La Ferraille à ne pas manquer. Notre prix est FOB 455 $CND . . Ensuite, le vendeur et l'acheteur fera une rencontre et une réunion de la’’ Table Top ‘’ en Espagne . ====> Voir la ferraille . The Scrap Metal, of ....

Fadha de L'UMA

Number of results per page : 6 30 150

To contact this display owner : umafadha