Member's display PCRECYCLE

2 ads published by Pcrecycle

Canada h4r 1v8 Audio and Video
photo not available

Friday, October 27, 2006

Quantity : conatainer - Price : to be discussed

we do have huge container quantities on materiel such as used and new computers ( desktops or laptops ) and we are looking for partnership for AFRICA CONTINENTLocation : 1455 begin, h4r 1v8 montreal, Contact : Robert Gagne, 5143337221


  • pcrecycle
  • h4r 1v8 - montreal
  • 5143337221
  • 5142343353
photo not available

Monday, October 16, 2006

Quantity : container - Price : 10000 a 30000

Nous somme exportateur de produit informatique , le marche vise est l'Afrique, Nous vendons en quantiter de 200 et plus seulement. Nous offrons le service d'exportation cle en main. P3 0.045 cents US le Megahertz, ecran 17 $11.00 dollars U.S. selon les categorie.Location : 1455 begin...


  • pcrecycle
  • h4r 1v8 - montreal
  • 5143337221
  • 5142343353
Number of results per page : 6 30 150

To contact this display owner : pcrecycle