Member's display BBLL.IMEXPO

2 ads published by Bbll.imexpo

Netherlands 4301AB Equipment goods
photo not available

Thursday, March 20, 2025

You are offered a highly original product, a wooden bike, equally beautiful and functional, with a very elegant, attractive design and an iressistible look; it is a bike for adults, fairly well equipped for performance and easy to maintain; those who want to escape the daily routine...


Netherlands 4301AB Craft
photo not available

Thursday, March 20, 2025

bonjour, on vous propose un produit très original, un vélo en bois, tout aussi beaux et fonctionnels, d'une grande élégance, un magnifique design et un look iressitible; c,est un velo pour adults, assez bien equippe comme un velo de performance et facile a entretenir; ceux qui veulent...


Number of results per page : 6 30 150

To contact this display owner : bbll.imexpo