France Underwears

Destockage mix de marques de chez Zalando

Quantity : 50   Price : 10,90 €

Destockage du site ZALANDO. Les lots sont composés d'un mix de marques distribués chez Zalando. (voir ici les marques que vous êtes susceptibles de trouver dans les lots Marques | Chaussures & Vetements de marque sur )
Marchandise très récente (collection 2015) avec toutes familles de produits : Jeans, robes, pulls, hauts, manteaux, lingerie etc.
Les produits sont neufs et étiquetés, produits très tendances ! A tester de toute urgence !
1 lot de 50 pièces : 11,90 € HT
Par 100 pièces : 10,90 € HT

Location : 92 mail Mitterrand, Rennes,
Contact : Jonathan Hamza, 02 90 56 46 75

Good deal: buying from seller

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Destockage mix de marques de chez Zalando

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France 22440 Construction goods
???? Clearance Offer – 60 tons of white paint at an exceptional price! ????

Friday, March 21, 2025

Clearance paint lot

Quantity : 60000 - Price : 1,10 €

We offer an exclusive opportunity: 60 tons of white paint at an unbeatable price to free up our storage space. Perfect for large-scale projects or resale. Offer Details: - Type of paint: White, high quality, matte or satin finish. - Packaging: 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, and 20 kg buckets. - Exceptional price: Only €1.10/kg (instead of €1.50/kg). - Available volume: 60 tons, ready for delivery. - Use: Designed for professional projects, craftsmen, or distributors. Advantages for Professionals...


  • 22440 - PLOUFRAGAN
  • 02 30 96 63 26
  • 33(0)603670505
France 78190 Clothes

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Quantity : 100 - Price : 3,00 €

LOT VESTES 2 poches à rabat et 1 poche poitrine 4 poches internes Poignées disposant de 4 boutons Composition :65% laine 35% coton Coloris Assortis : Noir, gris claire, gris foncé, vert kaki, beige, marron, bleu marine, etc,,, Unis, Rayures fines Tailles = 40 au 60 Marques: Stretch, Carletti, Romeo Class, Becker, Class man, Canda, Angelo Litrico, etc,,, Colisage= 30 pcs Veste =3€ Pantalon =4€ Gilet=1€ Tel= 0626845369 Email = Location ...


  • askena
  • 78190 - TRAPPES
  • 06 26 84 53 69
Brazil 80.250-210 Raw materials
Sale of tropical hardwood logs

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Quantity : 26 Ton as - Price : It depends on the ha

1) Products: TROPICAL HARDWOODS LOGS - Characteristics of the product: Logs freshly cut. The Logs have Heartwood and the sapwood and bark. The Bark and Sapwood remain on logs to avoid cracks on Surface. Each log is sealed by wax at both ends to prevent cracks on the tops during transit...

Supply Lumber Co.

  • supplylumber
  • 80050240 - Curitiba
  • (55) 41 32626261
  • +55 41 991838538