Commercial Automatic Coffee Machines
Quantity : 10000sets/ Price : US$150~300
Colet automatic cappuccino machine commercial are upgraded from home automatic coffee machines, our distributors also called them fully automatic coffee machines in the commercial version.
Compared with home automatic coffee machines, all in one automatic coffee machine strengthen the core parts like a brewer, bean grinder, gear, and so on, in order to fit with bigger volume use than normal home automatic coffee machines.
With commercial use pack, which includes a big waste container as a base, a big coffee bean container, and a water supply system, it can meet most commercial coffee supply requirements with just a little price increase than home automatic coffee machines.
As a professional commercial coffee machine manufacturer, Colet also prepared rich products to the line for commercial automatic coffee machines for sale:
If users need a coffee machine with more need of cappuccino and latte, please choose Colet Commercial One Touch Cappuccino Coffee Machine, with one-touch cappuccino and latte function;
If users only want to supply espresso, hot Americano, or iced Americano for their shop or office, and without cappuccino, with the considering to avoid.
As one of the espresso coffee machine suppliers, we provide automatic coffee machine, automatic bean to cup coffee machine, big coffee machines for sale, commercial coffee products, automatic coffee machine and etc. Want to know where to buy commercial coffee machine or types of commercial coffee makers? Please contact us.
Contact : Gordon Chow colet-coffeemachines, 0086 13586632646
Good deal: buying from seller
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