Equipment goods

2s gear pump/ Oil drilling mud pumps and parts

Quantity : 100   Price : 10$

Product Name BOMCO Product Name BOMCO Product Name BOMCO
P/N 1 P/N 2 P/N 1 P/N 2 P/N 1 P/N 2
Hydraulic end assembly AH0501010500 AH35001-05.00 Filter cover AH100101190201 AH36001-19.01.01 Main bearing end cover AH050101020100 AH35001-02.01C.00
Hydraulic end assembly AH0801010500 AH34001-05.00 Filter screen AH100101190202 AH36001-19.01.01 Main bearing end cover AH080101020100 AH34001-02.01C.00
Hydraulic end assembly AH1001010500 AH33001-05.00 O circle 165 * 7 530301011650070000 Main bearing end cover AH100101020100 AH33001-02.01C.00
Exhaust filter assembly AH0501011400 AH35004-11.00 Filter assembly AH100101190200 AH36001-19.01.00 Main bearing sleeve (right) AH0501010202 AH35001-02.02
Exhaust filter assembly AH1001011900 AH33014-04.00 Exhaust filter housing AH0501011401 AH35004-11.01 Main bearing sleeve (right) AH0801010202 AH34001-02.02
Cross head assembly AH0501010400 AH35001-04.00 Exhaust filter housing AH1001011901 AH33014-04.04.01 Main bearing sleeve (right) AH1001010202 AH33001-02.02
Cross head assembly AH0801010400 AH34001-04.00 Safety valve nozzle AH100101200200 AH36003-11.02.00A Sealing washer AH0501010203 AH35001-02.03
Cross head assembly AH1001010400 AH1001010400 Pressure gauge holder AH100101200100 AH36003-11.01.00A Sealing washer AH0801010203 AH34001-02.03
Pinion shaft assembly AH0501010300 AH35001-03.00 Discharge four-way AH050101210100 AH35004-09.01.00 Sealing washer AH1001010203 AH33001-02.03
Pinion shaft assembly AH0801010300 AH34001-03.00 Discharge four-way AH100101200300 AH36003-05.02.00 Inner ring AH0501010204 AH35001-02.04
Pinion shaft assembly AH1001010300 AH33001-03.00 Pad ring R27 T508-5003 T58-5003 Inner ring AH0801010204 AH34001-02.04A
Crankshaft assembly AH0501010200 AH35001-02.00 YK-150 pressure gauge 0-40Mpa 380207192402511 514 YK-150 ZG1 1/2" Inner ring AH1001010204 AH33001-02.04
Crankshaft assembly AH0801010200 AH34001-03.00 Pad ring R39 T508-5001 Outer ring AH050101020500 AH35001-02.05.00
Crankshaft assembly AH1001010200 AH33001-02.00 Pad ring R44 T508-5002 Outer ring AH080101020500 AH34001-05.00
Power end lubrication assembly AH0501010600 AH35001-06B.00 JA-3 safety valve AH0000060200 AH0000060100 AH33007-00 AH33003-00 Outer ring AH100101020500 AH33001-02.05.00
Power end lubrication assembly AH0801010600 AH34001-06C.00 Air package KB-45 AK45350100 AH34002-00 connecting rod AH0501010206 AH35001-02.06
Power end lubrication assembly AH1001010600 AH33001-06C.00 Air package KB-75 AK75350100 AH33002-00A connecting rod AH0801010206 AH34001-02.06
Spray pump assembly AH0501010800 AH35001-08B.00 Cross head AH0501010401 AH35001-04.01 connecting rod AH1001010206 AH33001-02.06
Spray pump assembly AH0801010800 AH34001-08B.00 Guide tube AH0501010402 AH35001-04.02 Positioning ring (I) AH0501010207 AH35001-02.07
Spray pump assembly AH1001010800 AH33001-08C.00 Bolt M16X40 T502-7003K T52-7003K Positioning ring (I) AH0801010207 AH34001-02.07
Random tool AH0501011500 AH35001-20.00A Packing box AH0501010403 AH35001-04.04 Positioning ring (I) AH1001010207 AH33001-02.07
Random tool AH0801011400 AH34001-15.00A Cross pin AH0501010404 AH35001-04.05 Hollow crankshaft AH050101020800 AH35001-02.08B.00
Random tool AH1001012100 AH33001-31.00A Cross pin baffle AH0501010405 AH35001-04.06 Hollow crankshaft AH080101020800 AH34001-02.08B.00
Sealing washer AH10010109 AH33001-09 Fender plate AH0501010406 AH35001-04.07 Hollow crankshaft AH100101020800 AH33001-02.08B.00
Ventilation hood T515-1001.00 T515-1001.00 Retaining ring AH0501010407 AH35001-04.08 Positioning ring (II) AH0501010209 AH35001-02.09
Oil level gauge assembly AH1001011400 AH33001-18.00 Locking spring AH0501010408 AH35001-04.09 Positioning ring (II) AH0801010209 AH34001-02.08
Seal gasket AH05010111 AH35001-12 Oil seal ring AH0501010409 AH35001-04.10A Positioning ring (II) AH1001010209 AH33001-02.09
Seal gasket AH08010111 AH34001-12 O-ring 530301010950053007 95X5.3(GB3452.1-82) girth gear AH0501010210 AH35001-02.10A
Seal gasket AH10010112 AH33001-15 Intermediate pull bar AH0501010410 AH35001-04.12 girth gear AH0801010210 AH34001-02.11A
Sealing washer AH10010116 AH36001-19 O-ring Φ 304.4X Φ 3.55 AH0501010411 AH35001-04.13 girth gear AH1001010219 AH33001-02.10A
Seal gasket AH05010113 AH35001-15 O-ring 530301013550053007 355X5.3(GB3452.1-82) Bolt M22X90 T502-3003 T52-3003
Seal gasket AH10010116 AH36001-19 Bolt M33X90 T502-6002 T52-6002 Bolt M30X100 GB5782 420201011130100000
Seal gasket AH10010118 AH33001-25 Joint AH0501010412 AH35001-04.16A Bolt M33X3X120 T502-3004 T52-3004
Cylinder assembly AH050101050100 AH35001-05.01A.00 Elbow NPT1/2 "-M22X1.5 AH0501010413 AH35001-04.18A Lock nut M22 T507-301.00
Cylinder assembly AH100101050100 AH33001-05.01A.00 Bolt 420101121110009000 M10X90(GB70-85) Lock nut M30 T507-306.00
Cylinder head flange AH0501010502 AH35001-05.02 Cross head bearing (Northwest 5G354920Q) AH0501010414 AH35001-04.20 Lock nut M33X3 T507-304.00
Cylinder head flange AH1001010502 AH33001-05.02 Joint NPT1/4-M18X1.5 AH1001020507 AH33001-05.28A The spacer ring AH0501010211 AH35001-02.13
Cylinder head AH0501010503 AH35001-05.03A Buckled hose assembly C-13X1W-300 1405070113010030 30 The spacer ring AH0801010211 AH34001-01.13
Cylinder head AH1001010503 AH33001-05.03A Double lip oil seal 2.75 x 3.75 x 0.562 AH0501010415 AH35001-04.21A The spacer ring AH1001010211 AH33001-02.13
Cylinder liner sealing ring AH0501010504 AH35001-05.04 O-ring 530301010710053007 71x5.3(GB3452.1-82) Main bearing sleeve (left) AH0501010212 AH35001-02.14
Cylinder liner sealing ring AH1001010504 AH33001-05.04 Press hose assembly 140507011001003030 C-10X1W-300 Main bearing sleeve (left) AH0801010213 AH34001-02.16
Cylinder head plug AH050101050500 AH35001-05.05A Elbow Z1 / 4-M18X1.5 AH1001020506 AH33001-05.26A Main bearing sleeve (left) AH1001010212 AH33001-02.14
Cylinder head plug AH100101050500 AH33001-05.05A Adjusting washer AH0501010416 Ring AH0501010213 AH35001-02.15
O-ring 75 * 5.3 530301010750053000 GB3452.1-82 Screw M16X40 T501-6001K Ring AH0801010214 AH34001-02.17
O-ring 97.5 * 3.55 530301010975035000 GB3452.1-82 Cross head AH0801010401 AH34001-04.01 Ring AH1001010213 AH33001-02.15
Discharge line AH0501010507 AH35001-05.08 Cross head AH1001010401 AH33001-04.01 baffle AH0501010214 AH35001-02.17
Discharge line AH0801010501 AH34001-05.01 Upper guide plate AH0801010402 AH34001-04.02 baffle AH0801010215 AH34001-02.18
Discharge line AH1001010507 AH33001-05.08 Upper guide plate AH1001010402 AH33001-04.02 baffle AH1001010214 AH33001-02.17
Bonnet seal ring AH0501010508 AH35001-05.09 Bolt M20X40 T502-7010K T52-7010K Main bearing bolt AH051020207 AH35003-02.08
Bonnet seal ring AH1001010508 AH33001-05.09 Bolt M24X55 T502-7005K T52-7005K Main bearing bolt AH0801020206 AH34007-02.07
Valve cover AH0501010509 AH35001-05.11A Packing box AH0801010403 AH34001-04.04 Main bearing bolt AH1001010215 AH33009-02.08
Valve cover AH1001010509 AH33001-05.11A Packing box AH1001010403 AH33001-04.04 Gasket group AH050101021500 AH35001-02.20.00
Stem guide (I) AH0501010510 AH35001-05.12 O-type coil 160 * 3.55 GB 3452.1) 5303010116000355 07 Gasket group AH080101021200 AH34001-02.15.00
Stem guide (I) AH1001010510 AH33001-05.12 O type coil 175 * 3.55 GB 3452.2) 5303010117500355 07 Gasket group AH100101021600 AH33001-02.20.00
Spring guide AH100101051100 AH33001-05.13.00 Seal ring / oil seal ring AH0801010404 AH34001-04.06A Eccentric wheel bearing 92984QU AH0501010216 AH35001-02.23
Baffle AH0501010511 AH35001-05.13 Seal ring / oil seal ring AH1001010404 AH33001-04.06A Eccentric wheel bearing 928/508QU AH0801010216 AH34001-02.19
Baffle AH1001010512 AH33001-05.14 Fender plate AH0801010405 AH34001-04.07 Eccentric wheel bearing 929/558.8QU AH1001010217 AH33001-02.22
Valve spring AH1001010529 AH00000101 AH33001-05.16A Fender plate AH1001010406 AH33001-04.08 Main bearing 3053738U AH0501010217 AH35001-02.25
Valve assembly AH0000020500 AH35001-05.14A.00 Intermediate pull bar AH0801010406 AH34001-04.08 Main bearing 3053748H AH0801010217 AH347001-02.20
Valve assembly AH0000020100 AH33001-05.17A.00 Intermediate pull bar AH1001010407 AH33001-04.09 Main bearing 4053156H AH1001010218 AH33001-02.23
Location : Room 1607, Block B, LuJin Center, Road 12, Beiyuan Street, Licheng District, Jinan City, Shandong Province., 250100 Ji'nan,
Contact : Alice Lee, +8615853139363

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