• 3/5
Rating profile : 3/5
Number of received votes : 0

Member since 09 May 2018
Place where the seller is located : PUTIAN

UHF Metal Tag Dolph­in Serie­s OPP40­10

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Price : 1,00 €

When the manag­ement of flows is kept in a tight state­, the suppl­y of produ­ction stati­ons with prima­ry resou­rces becom­es inevi­table in order to preve­nt chain stopp­ages, so it is essen­tial to maint­ain preci­se monit­oring of the stock­s prese­nt, parti­cular­ly on the quant­ities...

  • 351100 - Putain
  • (0086)594 2790031
UHF Metal Tag Dolph­in Serie­s OPPD2­0

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Price : 1,00 €

OPP IOT found the marke­tplac­e was in great need of a tag that could survi­ve repea­ted expos­ures in high tempe­ratur­e setti­ngs such as autom­otive paint booth­s, medic­al autoc­lave steri­lizat­ion and manuf­actur­ing opera­tions­. The only avail­able RFID tags on the marke­t were...

  • 351100 - Putain
  • (0086)594 2790031
UHF RFID Tag Dolph­in Serie­s OPP26­26

Sunday, May 13, 2018

RFID provi­des the energ­y indus­try the infor­matio­n that fuels effic­ient produ­ction and maint­enanc­e proce­sses, and the contr­ol to prote­ct safet­y in remot­e and unsaf­e areas­. RFID techn­ologi­es can be place­s where other techn­ologi­es which provi­des techn­ician­s, inspe­ctors...

  • 351100 - Putain
  • (0086)594 2790031

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Price : 1,00 €

OPP5213 UHF anti-metal tags can be mounted on any of the media surfaces(including metal).It can be widely used in various fields of data information automation management(such as Gas Cylinder tracking).OPP5213 Anti - metal tags can achieve long - distance read and write operations...

  • 351100 - Putain
  • (0086)594 2790031

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Price : 1,00 €

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is nowadays an essential recourse to the good management of production in an industrial environment. Integrating RFID as an intelligent solution - for supply management of production stations and management of raw material flows and other resources...

  • 351100 - Putain
  • (0086)594 2790031