Member's display SZLIANSC Chonghan Co., Ltd. szliansc
CDMA / GPRS / GSM (M2M - IP Modem) (RS232 / RS485 / TTL) (RJ45) (USB 2.0) (Industrial Grad)
Our Modem is an industrial wireless modem.
GSM / GPRS / CDMA / EV-DO / EDGE / HSDPA / HSUPA / TD_HSDPA network based.
Provided standard industrial serial port ( RS232 / RS485 / TTL ). (RJ45)(USB 2.0)
Support Internet dial-up, ASCII / Unicode SMS, CSD functions.
Data transmit for serial device industrial control, once in a while little data, or GSM / GPRS / CDMA / EV-DO / EDGE / HSDPA / HSUPA / TD_HSDPA narrowband dial-up to internet.

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