Member's display MARY W Shanghai Yuanben Magnetoelectric Tech

Yuanben Hall-effect Speed Sensor Product Line
The Hall-effect technology fulfills a wide array of applications due to the Hall-effect sensor's ability to detect zero speed and direction change and produce a digital output that is read by computers, motion control devices, position monitors and digital to analog converters.
Yuanben's zero speed Hall effect sensors are used in industrial applications as an output shaft speed sensor to determine shaft or gear speed or direction by detecting fluctuations in the magnetic field.
HVS Series Hall Effect Speed Sensors For Magnetic Targets
Yuanben's magnetic Hall-effect speed sensors are designed to switch in the presence of a magnetic field of 50 Gauss minimum.
Magnetic Hall-effect sensors meet a wide array of applications due to its ability to detect the difference in a magnet's north or south pole disposition:?Uni-polar - activated by either north or south pole magnets;
?Bi-polar - activated by alternating north-south pole magnets;
?Omni-polar - responds equally to a north or south pole field.
GVS Series Hall Speed Sensors For Ferrous Targets (single channel)
These Hall-effect speed sensors are engineered with an internal magnet to switch in the presence of ferrous targets such as gear teeth and blade tips down to absolute zero speed.
The gear tooth Hall-effect sensor detects fluctuations in the magnetic field and can also be configured to so the output signal signifies either the presence or absence of a ferro-magnetic target (i.e. a gear tooth).
The Hall-effect gear tooth sensor has the ability to sense a ferrous target while applying zero drag on the target wheel with a sensitivity that detects gear teeth as small as 0.10" wide and 0.10" deep. Air gaps of up to 1/8 inch are possible, depending on mass of target (size of gear).
GVS-D Series Quadrature Sensor ( dual-channel) For Position and Directional Sensing
The Hall-effect quadrature sensor, without applying any magnetic drag, detects the direction a ferrous target, such as a target gear wheel, is traveling. Yuanben's Hall-effect quadrature sensor's sensitivity detects gear teeth as small as 0.10" wide and 0.10" deep. Depending on the size of the target gear, air gaps of up to 0.125" inch may be achieved.
The Hall-effect gear position sensor, are dual output sensors that detects the direction and position of a target gear. Also used for rotation profiling, angle profiling and field profiling. Yuanben's Hall-effect position sensor detects gear teeth as small as 0.10" wide and 0.10" deep. Three position sensors can be used to detect X, Y, Z axis of a target.
Yuanben's speed sensor product line of Hall-effect sensors include: Intrinsically Safe, single output, dual output sensors, additional temperature outputs, hermetically sealed, sanitary and conduit-mount.
Standard output (NPN) is provided by a 2.2 k? internal resistor to a collector which can sink 25mA. In addition, PNP and open collector types are available in order to serve all logic needs.
The magnetic zero speed Hall effect sensors are used in speed sensor applications and digital devices which switch from logic state 0 to logic 1 in the presence of a magnetic field of 50 gauss ( H type) and 5 - 10 gauss ( L type).
Zero Speed Sensors Applications:
Applications of hall-effect sensor are such as fine gears, quadrature detection of very low to zero speed and the change in target direction. Hall-effect sensors are used as a vehicle speed sensor, wheel speed sensor, ABS brake systems and as camshaft sensors.
Contact us for custom hall-effect sensors.

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To contact this display owner : Mary W