Member's display LANGTAO Jinjiang Langtao Display manufacturing Co.,Ltd

Jinjiang langtao display manufacturing co.,ltd is located in jinjiang City of China and has served customers all around the world for over 5 years. We have been in business since 2008, with over 3,000 visitors coming to our factory.
Point of purchase displays (POP displays) we supply include trade show displays, exhibit displays, POP-up displays, display stands, portable displays, booth displays, display racks, brochure displays, banner displays, display shelves, poster frames, acrylic displays, wire displays, acrylic showcases, retail store displays & store fixtures, literature racks, countertops, brochure holders, poster stands, suggestion boxes, comment and contest boxes, light boxes, and slatwall or gridwall systems with accessories.
Our products can be made of acrylic, metal, glass, mirror, paper, fabric, plastic, stainless steel, aluminum and wood.
ATTN?Jessy Yang
Mobile phone: 86-013626071513
ADD: Langtao industrial park, huanxi Road, jinjing Town, jinjiang city, Fujian province, china,362251

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