Member's display KELLY.ZHANG Huaian Vibo Hydraulics Co.,Ltd

Huaian vibo hydraulics co., ltd., the leading enterprise specialized in hydraulcs power unit has ten years experience in devotion on high-tech performance products. The type code of cma, cma, cmd, cme, cmf, cmlpressure casting central manifolds are "vibo"upgrated quality products, completely contained the applied form of the power unit in the international hydraulic industry. With he identity design in the standard specification and fitting position of the valves, oil port and mounting type, "vibo"provide a comprehensive service for the customers. We adopt high quality characteristic aluminium alloy material, advanced technology of the alloy refinement and heat treatment. All the components and complete assembled power units are strictly controlled in the production process and inspection. The ce&iso9001 quality guarantee system, to build vibo the international name brand.

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