Member's display JIAN2013 Tianjin Zhongyijian Technology Co., Ltd
I'd like to recommend you our wearable LED Flashlight (LED Torch) . This is a new designed LED light with our own patent, it is the first and the only wearable LED light that you can find in the market now. You can wear it anywhere on you clothes! It is suitable for those who need to operate in a dark enviorment with two hand totally free to hold something, such as cleaner in night turn, outdoor worker to repair or check equipment, housewife who takes basket walking outdoor etc... .It doesn't need to be fixed and then to be taken off frequently like what we do to the normal head flashlight, it can be just left on the clothes as if it is a badge. Please feel free to contact us for more details at at web site of Tianjin Zhongyijian Technology Co., Ltd.
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