Member's display IRIS-SILAGE Silage Packaging Co.,Ltd

Silage stretchfilm is an agricultural film used in farmland for protection and storage of storage, silage,hay and maize in areas where the growth period of herding grass is relatively short.
Bundling of silage using tacky films helps in transportation and delivery.
Silage stretch films act as greenstore since it keeps the forage under an optimum humidity
condition to facilitatecontrolled anaerobic fermentation.
The goal of silage making is to conserve and store crop nutrients using lactic acid bacteria to ensure rapid fermentation in air free conditions and to minimise losses from harvesting until feeding. Whatever the system, the ensiling and storage system's main functions are to exclude air during the ensiling process and to prevent air from entering the silage during storage.
Speed of harvest, moisture content, chop length, silage distribution and compaction can greatly influence the fermentation process and storage losses. Efficient fermentation generally ensures a more palatable and digestible feedstuff. This promotes maximum dry matter consumption by livestock that usually results in improved milk and/or live weight gain performance.
1) High tack plus high puncture and tear resistance
2) High load retention (for bale integrity)
3) Guaranteed to withstand the harshest climates
4) Made to International Quality Standards for extreme conditions
5) More bales per roll. Greater wrapping efficiency
6) Provides an airtight and weatherproof shield
7) 12 month guarantee against UV degradation
8) Stretch level at approximately 300 Pourcent
9) Good thickness distribution in the film at 25 microns optimum

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