Member's display HABCAN01 Habcan Life Sciences Company

As a world''s leading brands of integrated services dedicated to Life Science, Habcan convinced that life science technology can race against life time. We provide a very wide range of innovative solutions in various fields such as Molecular biology, Proteomics, Immunology, Cell biology, Diagnostics research, Microbiology, Botany, Nutrition and Health,etc for global research institutions.
With nearly 200,000 of Product Services, Habcan is one of the world''s most abundant life sciences integrated service provider. For this reason, our powerful HabcanQTMquality tracking and control system can ensure that your research at any time in the efficient ideal state. In order to offer the unique service, we have more than 100 segments Life Sciences project managers, maintain a stable business development with more than 3,000 scientific research institutions, schools, medical field, pharmaceutical industry, agriculture, nutrition Nursing Research, food, biotechnology companies all over the world.
Core concept
Habcan believe that Science and Technology not only can make our life more convenience but also bring us more healthy life time, which is the belief that our entire team dedicated to the life science; provide more rich and innovative rapid response solutions in life science is our core value.

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