Legal issue of audio Jammer CPJX12 from vodasafe jammer store
With the development of information technology,the cell phone is the necessarily tools in our daily life,but everything have two sides,cell phone let us more convenient in our works and life,at the meantime also have so many troubles.Such as important information maybe leaked in special places,or new noise disturbs from hospital,meeting,library,Polices,Cinema in our daily life.Or in Gas station,the heavy bombing effect our life.The college entrance exam is coming,some many topics about how to cheat in examination or how to prevent cheating at examination?In the exam have the wireless signal of cell phone,CDMA,GSM,DCS,2G,3G,4G and ect. One person who lose the remote control of the vehicle,How to avoid another people to drive the car to avoid theft ?Nowadays,we normal use the remote control for car to open the door of cars,once we put a audio jammer in car,there is no way for people to use the remote control to open the door of the car.The remote control including the frequency of 433/315/868mhz,we can block all of above frequency which we mentioned .Why we need put a restriction for these audio jammer devices?First of all we would like to start by saying that at the beginning when audio jammer of any kinds were introduced to the public society,also were allowed for usage.for some person and governments also think this is a threat to society.such as technology protects public places from IEDs,vodasafe jammer store can tell you that same technology saved dozens of lives out there in Iraq,Afghanistan and ect places.That's why we need know everything about local laws to protect our rights.We do believe that the situation and legal issue with those types of jammers/blocker should be changed,in order to protect our privacy.So that we should be legal used the jammer by any person.
Contact : april brook, +86 0755 28968485
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