ACIDES - 448 ads
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Quantity : 100 - Price : 20€/30ml
100% natural, the prickly pear of Morocco is full of antioxidant vitamin E and essential fatty acids that deeply nourish the skin and tone it. Reduce scars, pimples and stretch marks. Thus, this little wonder of the nature makes it possible to offer a rejuvenation to all skins type...
Marganom Sarl AU
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212669432234
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Prickly Pear Seed Oil comes from the finest Prickly Pear fruit found in Morocco, allowing you to experience the prickly pear benefits that women from the region have relied on to keep their skin useful for centuries Prickly Pear Seed Oil is extremely high in essential fatty acids...
Divers DHY ltd
- Priva Oil
- 85352 - Mirleft
- +212528719192
- +212661295598
Tuesday, February 04, 2020
Quantity : 5 litre - Price : 25,00 €
Huile d'argan vierge désodorisée certifié BIO du Maroc Nous vous informons que la désodorisation de l'huile d'argan est un procédé de filtration. C'est un procédé totalement a froid.Il consiste a faire passer l'huile a travers des plaques en charbon actif naturel, importées d'Allemagne...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40000 - marrakesh
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Quantity : 5 litre - Price : 25,00 €
Argan oil manufacturers utilize pure Argan that was extirpated to make virgin oil. The newly made and luxurious quality ensures that you will get what you truly deserve: a Triple Extra Virgin Grade one Oil. Our enterprise imports its raw products from the region of the south of Morocco...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40000 - marrakesh
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Quantity : 20000 - Price : 420,00 €
Il s'agit d'une huile naturelle extraite de graines de fruits Opuntia ficus indica. Ce cactus peut atteindre 2 mètres de haut et nécessite peu d'eau. Ils prospèrent dans les régions chaudes et sèches - comme le Maroc. Ils produisent une belle fleur jaune vif et rosâtre au printemps...
Organica Group SARL
- 40010 - Marrakech
- +212777000897
Monday, August 12, 2019
Quantity : 72 - Price : 19,58 €
- Chutney de Mangue Doux - Mélange au goût authentique de mangues douces et d'épices. - La marque : - Patak's - L'origine : - Royaume-Uni - Le conditionnement : - Colis de 6 Pot en Verres de 340 g - Les ingrédients : - Sucre, Mangues(44%), sel, acidifiant (acide acétique)...
- 13008 - Marseille
- +33 6 12 07 34 01
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Quantity : 500 square - Price : 3,00 €
1.Glass Type: float glass, acid etch glass, pattern glass, silkscreen print glass, low-e glass, etc. 2.Thickness: 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 19mm etc. 3.Size: |minimun: 200*300mm; maximum: 2440*5800mm. 4.Colour: clear,ultra clear,bronze,grey,blue,etc as per customers' need...
Hangzhou Jinghu Glass Co., Ltd
- 311215 - Hangzhou
- +15 9 88 53 80 52
- 057182625715
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Quantity : 2000square - Price : 7.5USD/square meter
Model Number: Tempered glass Function: Acid Etched Glass, Decorative Glass. Shape: Bent/Curve,Flat. Glass type: clear glass,Extra Clear, Tinted; Thickness: 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 19mm. Edge Work: Seam, Polish, Bevel, Matte etc. Other Processing: Acid Etch, Silk Screen Print...
Hangzhou Jinghu Glass Co., Ltd
- 311215 - Hangzhou
- +15 9 88 53 80 52
- 057182625715
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Quantity : 2000square - Price : US $4-10/ Square Met
1.GLASS TYPES: Float glass, acid etch glass, pattern glass, silkscreen print glass, low-e glass etc. 2.GLASS SHAPES: Flat tempered glass, bent tempered glass. 3.THICKNESS: 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 19mm etc. 4.Size: Min size: 200mmx300mm Max size: 2440mmx5800mm. 5...
Hangzhou Jinghu Glass Co., Ltd
- 311215 - Hangzhou
- +15 9 88 53 80 52
- 057182625715
Wednesday, May 01, 2019
Bonjour nous disposons d'huiles de moteur usagée ainsi que de cuisson et acide gras en provenance d'Algérie et d'autres pays Location : Draria, 16000 Alger, Contact : Mehdi Meghelli , 00213661900399
- 16000 - Alger
- 00213661900399
- +34 6 10 35 91 61
Friday, April 26, 2019
Quantity : 18 tonnes - Price : € 3000 / tonne franc
bonjour, huile de turnesol min. 18 tonnes extra vierge rafineé preseé au froid pet premium 1l aucune traitement termique aucune traitement chimique riche en vitamines antioxydantes tres fortes acides gras non-satures produit naturel pour: salades, cuisson, traitement naturiste etc...
Global Exp.
- globalexp
- H8N2V4 - Montreal
- +15 1 45 02 36 29
Tuesday, April 09, 2019
Quantity : 100000 - Price : 6$
Quinoa is one of the most popular health foods in the world. Quinoa free of gluten, High protein content is one of the few vegetarian foods that contain all nine essential ingredients Amino acids.It is also high in fiber, magnesium, vitamin B, iron, potassium, Calcium, phosphorus...
- 34521 - istanbul
- +905551100986
- +905537632276
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Vegetables are rich in vitamins, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, minerals and dietary fiber; however, they are climacteric and their shelf-life is very short after harvest. Uncontrolled browning, wilting and loss of nutritional value are typical of fresh vegetables even at ambient temperature...
"Sundaram" Overseas Operation
- thumar
- 400067 - Mumbai
- +91 22 42661121
- 9664965358
- +91 9664965358
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Used daily, the soap with argan oil proposed by GIFTMOROCCO will have many benefits. Natural and non-irritating, rich in omega 6 essential fatty acids and vitamin E, it will effectively fight against drying and premature aging of the skin thanks to its ultra moisturizing properties...
giftmorocco huile d'argan
- 80000 - agadir
- 05 25 33 83 38
- +212528338338
- +212606226666
Friday, February 15, 2019
JE VOUS REMERCIE Nous proposons des produits alimentaires et agricoles. Liste - prix exacts et sélectifs): 1. Sucre ICUMSA-45 - 305 EUR / MT 2. Huile de tournesol raffinée "P" - 0,80 EUR / litre, bidon de 20 litres. - 18,25 EUR 3. Huile de tournesol, teneur élevée en acide oléique...
United African Group
- uagtn
- 2041 - attadhamen.18 janvier
- +21 6 90 30 04 47
- +21 6 90 55 56 99
- +216590300447
Friday, February 08, 2019
Comme le fruit, l'huile d'avocat est riche en acides gras essentiels et en vitamines. Des actifs qui nourrissent la peau en profondeur et luttent contre les signes de l'âge. Découvrez les bienfaits de l'huile d'avocat pour la peau et les cheveux.Pour toutes informations contacter nous...
giftmorocco huile d'argan
- 80000 - agadir
- 05 25 33 83 38
- +212528338338
- +212606226666
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Product Name: Diced pineapple in syrup Pineapple is the third most important tropical fruit all over the world. Frozen pineapple cube take the lion's share of the market , but the high costs such as high storage costs and transporting frozen containers have become more and more evident...
Best Pearl Food (Tianjin) Co.,Ltd.
- 300110 - tianjin
- 86 022 23072390
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Product Name: Diced aloe in syrup Aloe is known as magical medicine of nature,great physician of nation.The diced aloe, which we packaged into aseptic bag, is fresher, larger size and more crispy. It's more convenient for the customer to use in the industries where they want to use...
Best Pearl Food (Tianjin) Co.,Ltd.
- 300110 - tianjin
- 86 022 23072390
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Product Name: Diced lichee in syrup Application:Ice cream,Salad, Food additives, Juice, Wine, Cake decoration, Can ,etc. Lichee is the best welcomed fruit in China and around the world, but it's difficult to keep for long time because of temperature sensitive. With the top processing...
Best Pearl Food (Tianjin) Co.,Ltd.
- 300110 - tianjin
- 86 022 23072390
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Comme le fruit, l'huile d'avocat est riche en acides gras essentiels et en vitamines. Des actifs qui nourrissent la peau en profondeur et luttent contre les signes de l'âge. Découvrez les bienfaits de l'huile d'avocat pour la peau et les cheveux.Pour toutes informations contacter nous...
giftmorocco huile d'argan
- 80000 - agadir
- 05 25 33 83 38
- +212528338338
- +212606226666
Friday, December 28, 2018
This oil is known for its many benefits on the skin, and the macromolecules it contains help retain water in the epidermis, significantly improving its hydration and elasticity." Omega-3 fatty acids it contains also protect the skin from aging. Add linseed oil to your face creams...
giftmorocco huile d'argan
- 80000 - agadir
- 05 25 33 83 38
- +212528338338
- +212606226666
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Price : 0,00 €
Very popular in India and the Maghreb for hair care, vegetable oil mustard is known to promote hair growth and fight against their fall. In addition, it brings to your preparations a sheathing and strengthening action on the lengths, thanks to its richness in erucic acid. This powerful...
giftmorocco huile d'argan
- 80000 - agadir
- 05 25 33 83 38
- +212528338338
- +212606226666
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Price : 0,00 €
Nigella oil is a very valuable source of polyunsaturated fatty acids for the skin and the body. Its components play a key role for our daily well-being and the health of our cells. Among other things, it promotes the elimination of toxins from our skin, activates microcirculation...
giftmorocco huile d'argan
- 80000 - agadir
- 05 25 33 83 38
- +212528338338
- +212606226666
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Price : 0,00 €
Rich in fatty acids and antioxidants, sesame oil helps cell regeneration. Soothing and nourishing, it is used on the skin as on the hair.For all information contact us. Location : Imm 23 rue ighrem taghazout inzegane 80350,maroc ., 80000 agadir, Contact : argan oil morocco gift morocco ...
giftmorocco huile d'argan
- 80000 - agadir
- 05 25 33 83 38
- +212528338338
- +212606226666
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Price : 20 dh
L'huile de coco est la nouvelle star en cosmétique. Hydratante, nourrissante, anti-âge, assouplissante, réparatrice… on lui prête bien des vertus. Nos experts nous disent tout des bénéfices beauté de l'huile de coco. Riche en vitamine A et E mais aussi en acide laurique, l'huile de...
Gold Natural
- 80000 - agadir
- +212 687 909 038
Thursday, November 08, 2018
*l'huile de ricin provient de la plante du même nom, le ricin. Si la graine du ricin, elle, ne se consomme pas, l'huile végétale qui en est extraite n'est pas toxique et possède de nombreuses vertus bienfaisantes pour notre peau, nos cheveux - et notre cuir chevelu -, nos cils, nos ongles...
Gold Natural
- 80000 - agadir
- +212 687 909 038
Saturday, November 03, 2018
Price : 20 dh
l'huile d'argan est un produit bio extraite d'amandiers est un arbre rare existe au Maroc Sous , Il est extrêmement riche en nutriments bénéfiques, notamment en acides gras et en vitamine E et vitamine A . L'huile d'argan est le plus souvent utilisée comme hydratant pour la peau pour...
Gold Natural
- 80000 - agadir
- +212 687 909 038
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
00% Pure Argan Oil is full of Vitamin E and composed almost entirely of essential fatty acids to hydrate face, skin, hair and nails. Argan oil has been shown to treat dry skin, prevent wrinkles and stretch marks, reduce acne and scars, and lock in moisture to keep hair and nails healthy...
- 80070 - Agadir
- +212528325757
- +212648952534
Wednesday, July 04, 2018
Quantity : 100000M2 - Price : US$38~US$98/M2
Highest Quality Our products undergo a strict quality control process to ensure that the best materials are available for your project. Kimria Quartz offers a 15 years limited transferable warranty on Kimria Quartz. Kimria Quartz is a combination of natural quartz and other raw materials...
Yunfu Kimria Quartz Stone Co.,Ltd
- 528000 - Yunfu
- +86 766 8511028
- +86 139299 70898
Tuesday, July 03, 2018
Quantity : 100000M2 - Price : US$38~US$98/M2
Highest Quality Our products undergo a strict quality control process to ensure that the best materials are available for your project. Kimria Quartz offers a 15 years limited transferable warranty on Kimria Quartz. Kimria Quartz is a combination of natural quartz and other raw materials...
Yunfu Kimria Quartz Stone Co.,Ltd
- 528000 - Yunfu
- +86 766 8511028
- +86 139299 70898