MOMENT - 1003 ads
Saturday, May 03, 2008
The shrimps grow in field swampland, to ensure the fresh flavour, we choose good quality shrimps alive to deepfreeze and then freeze dried them. We do that because the color and flavour of shrimp should change under the condition the shrimps die and some fishes don't like the dead shrimps...
HuaXiang Aquaculture Co.,Ltd
- artemiacube
- 251900 - wudi
- +86 0543 6334166
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Dear Sir/ Madam, We are Dai Thanh Fishing Company, major in processing and exporting frozen pangasius fillet. Located in Tien Giang province, southern Viet Nam, our factory have the capacity of 50tons/day. We have HACCP certificate. Our products can export to USA, EUROPEAN, ASIAN markets...
Dai Thanh Co., Ltd
- gongde
- 84 - Tien Giang
- 8473611115
- +84 9 08 65 68 25
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Quantity : 22 - Price : 700 US
Please recommend anyone who you think is camera friendly. I need people of all ethnic persuasions. I have a relationship with a local modeling agency that would like to see more of my work before they recommend me to their clients. So it is possible that someone I shoot may get an...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Quantity : 1000 - Price : 10,00 €
Notre société recherche tout type de stocks opérateurs (Orange SFR Bougyes ...). Téléphones européens (EURO SPECS) avec boite origine de l'opérateur, bloqué ou débloqué. Quantité de 50 pièces a 1000+. Nous payons CASH à l'enlèvement. Particulièrement recherché en ce moment nokia 1600...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Quantity : a la comma - Price : 1,5€ les 100gr
ARTISAN CHOCOLATIER FRABIQUE DU CHOCOLAT NATUREL notre chocolat est fabriqué a la façon d'une recette ancienne ses qualités de saveur et de fondant laisse au palais un goût sublime qui n'a rien avoir avec les chocolats fabriquer industriellement venez nous rejoindre afin que vos papilles...
- capitol
- +40 3 62 40 43 77
- +40 7 52 06 92 20
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Description : Recherchons distributeurs pour nos jus de fruit en Belgique et aussi En France - Nous sommes une société située en France ou nous distribuons nos jus de fruit depuis plusieurs années dans les principales villes( 8 parfums pour le moment conditionnés en 1 L et 296 ml) ...
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Quantity : sana limit - Price : 1000 000E
RECHERCHE CONCASSEUR COMPLET,MACHINES INDUSTRIEL,matériel éléctriques industriel(disjoncteurs tetra+diférentiel,variateurs de vitesse toutes marque confondue de2,2 a 75kw,contacteurs télémécanique,automates,engins de traveaux publique +pieces de rechanges,pret a acheter tout du moment...)
- rabhi27
- 69800 - saint priest
- 04 78 21 98 22
- 06 01 95 29 29
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
MaxiFlo Heat/Cold Meter (Calorimeter) for Measurement of heat and/or cold based on transit-time ultrasonic flowmeters and PT-1000 ohm temperature sensors Product Feature Transit-time ultrasonic flowmeter technology is the most advanced and fastest-growing flowmeter technology at the moment...
Seil Enterprise Co.
- seilcomp
- 120-773 - Seoul
- 82 2 396 7993
- +82 1 77 80 79 94
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Quantity : 10000 - Price : FOB Shenzhen
Introductions: Far-infrared Sauna Slimming Suit generate heat together with far infrared ray therapy function, when the temperature reaches 70 degree, the energy will infiltrate into 4.0cm to 7.0cm deep of the muscles and skin, fully dissolve the surplus grease to achieve the purpose...
Handsome Industrial(H.K) Co., Ltd
- cherrybobo
- 518020 - shenzhen
- 0086 755 81916927
- 0086 13714387856
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Quantity : Selon la d - Price : FOB
Nous représentons fournisseur d´huile de Soja au nord du Brésil qui dispose en ce moment même d´environ 500 MT à vendre. FOB seulement, merci de nous adrésser Lettre d´intention.Location : Rua Theofilo Costa, 390 Jardim Camburi, 29092 010 Vitoria, Contact : Bruno Bonella, 55 27 3337...
Friday, December 14, 2007
Quantity : AUTANT QUE - Price : 5 EUROS HT
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Quantity : + de 2500 - Price : compétitif
helo, we look for a serious partener ,provider of wooden doors,door handles,bath tubs, bidet ,wash basin,and tap mixer for these 3 bath accessories, we want also door handles , send us a detailed and itemized offer with the prices ,the complete references ,and the photos . sir, we...
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Quantity : +de 1500 - Price : commpetitive
helo, we look for a serious partener ,provider of wooden doors,door handles,bath tubs, bidet ,wash basin,and tap mixer for these 3 bath accessories, we want also door handles , send us a detailed and itemized offer with the prices ,the complete references ,and the photos . sir, we...
Friday, November 30, 2007
Quantity : at least 2 - Price : very cheap
Intorduction We are a textile mill in Pakistan, manufacturing & exporting textile products to different well reputed companies from last many years. We want to do business with your company, please spend your few moments as our below mentioned company profile needs your kind attention...
shoaib tex
- aamerjameel
- 38000 - fasialabad
- +92 4 18 73 23 16
- +92 3457720189
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Quantity : 20 - Price : - de 30000
Je suis propriétaire d'un magasin de location, et je recherche, dans le bus de création d'une autre entreprise début 2008 un fournisseur de véhicule de loisir. Je recherche pour le moment des quads ou buggy de 125 à 250 cm3, 4 temps, boite auto et homologué.Location : cc u paesu 2...
corsica souvenir
- corcicamat
- 20166 - porticcio
- 06 15 35 39 89
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Price : discutable
Nous sommes specialisé dans la distribution de produit électroniques de qualité: (Unité centrale, ecran plat, clé usb, cd et Dvd vierge en grande quantité, etc..... ) qui sera sans doute l’objet recherché du moment. Nous nous sommes attachés à proposer ce produit dans une gamme de...
A&D Style
- aanddstyle
- m6e1m7 - toronto
- +14 1 64 10 37 43
- +14 1 68 32 29 44
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Nous étudions et réalisons tout type de machine , tout type de pièces mécanique toute pièces métallique tout type de constructions métallique , charpentes métallique , outils etc... Notre société est basée en Bosnie Herzégovine ce qui pour nos clients de l'Europe de l'ouest réduit...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Quantity : 10000 - Price : negotiated
We are located in Shiling Town (where is very famous as the base of manufacturing and trading of leather and leather products) , Huadu District,Guangzhou,P.R.China. We professionally producing and selling quality leather products like Briefcase, Laptop Bags, Traveling Bags, Backpack...
wu qiang leather bags factory
- wuqiang
- 510850 - guanghzou
- 00862033199182
- 008613632231945
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Nous importons Pour le moments 3 choix de télévision LCD HD 1 marque philips 2 marque de fabrication chinoise Nous vous assurrons un exellent rapport qualité prix, nous mettons tous en oeuvre pour faire connaitre ses 2 marque chinoises aux français, des télevision au derniere technologie...
Darwin Informatique
- lynxx
- 61600 - la ferté-macé
- 02 33 38 23 68
Monday, September 17, 2007
Quantity : 200 MT - Price : on request
Jus d'orange, de peche et de mangue en un litre tetra pak aseptic, de tres bonne qualité. 50% de pur jus d'orange minimum, eau et sucre (ne contient ni colorant ni conservateur) minimum orange juice 50% pure, water and sugar (contains nor dye or conservatives) Notre nectar contient...
new harmony
- negintt
- - casablanca
- +21 2 79 13 82 77
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Quantity : 1000 - Price : $180
CHARACTERISTICS 1) The function of avoiding over current and short circuit. 2) five LCD displays include speed, distance, time, calories and pulse 3) Special safety brake, which has the function of emergency stop. When the trainer tumbles, it can stop the whole machine to avoid the...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Quantity : 10000 - Price : FOB ningbo $220
CHARACTERISTICS 1.The function of avoiding over current and shortcircuit. 2.Five LED displays include speed, distance, time, calories and pulse 3.The function for run, massage, wringing waist and situp 4.Special safety brake, which has the function of emergency stop. When the trainer tumbles...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
1.Composing Our products H20 Beam are composed by following parts: A)Flange: pine LVL flange and solid sawn pine lumber flange. B)Pine plywood web C)WBP phenolic resin D)Painting on the surface of flange and web: with yellow, waterproof, fireproof, rot-proof and frozen-proof painting...
Xiamen Kohlin Industry Limited
- henryhao
- 361012 - Xiamen
- 86 592 5205500
- 0086 15959210435
Monday, July 09, 2007
1.Rechargeable type:It furnishes 2 pcs of 1.2 V high quality rechargeable batteries which can by recharged in recycle for more than 600 times.It is quite practical and economic. 2.Twice-speed discharge:It adopts an innovative twice-speed discharge circuit which can output 2500V in a moment...
Relier Industrial Co.Ltd
- relieramy
- 000000 - Chashan Town
- 86 769 86173288
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Quantity : de 300t à - Price : prix au dessous du m
We sell aluminium alloys in ingots from Russia. We are already working with big European companies. Our prices are below the market prices. At the moment we have a lot of aluminium A7 in 16kg ingots of first fusion, 400t for august 2007. The price is LME+60$ If you are interested in our offer...
Tiller International Ltd
- - Road town
Saturday, July 07, 2007
As far as we areconcerned, let us mention that we were the first company in Spain to manufacture bubble gum, starting its activities in 1965. At the moment being we produces a wide range of bubble and chewing gum, both sugar and sugarfree in many different formats of presentation...
Fleer Española S.A.
- laurina
- 08028 - Barcelona, SPAIN
- +34 9 34 09 20 66
Friday, June 29, 2007
Quantity : 30 ctrs/ye - Price : best possible
Hello, I' m an import export agent in Italy. At the moment one of my clients asked my agency to find a supplier of wood pellets and similar products for stove heating. We can also represent companies in Italy for different wares types.Location : Via F.lli Bandiera 52/A, 89030 Bovalino, Contact ...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Quantity : Jusquà 300 - Price : selon référence et à
Nous sommes société d'import export et Déstockage En ce moment nous disposons d'un lot de pneus neufs de marque "KENDA", pour véhicule de tourisme, utilitaires , camionnettes, et 4x4... Très bon prix, à liquider au plus vite. dimension commeçant de 145/80 R12à 2445/40R17/91 W KR20...
- 75015 - PARIS
Friday, May 18, 2007
Quantity : 800m/cube - Price : 370 a 400 euro
nous sommes une société d'exploitation et de negoce ,soucieuse de s'ouvrir au marché international ,actuellement nous possedons : 300m/cube de PADOUK 255m/cube d'OKAN et 140m/cube d'OKOUME et de TALI vous pouvez nous contacter a tout moment via le net .Location : 12188, 12188 libreville...
woodbridge forest pc
- padouk
- 12188 - libreville
- 241734308
- +24 1 07 18 93 27
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
*Composing A) Flange: pine LVL flange and solid sawn pine lumber flange. B) Pine plywood web C) WBP phenolic resin D) Painting on the surface of flange and web: with yellow, waterproof, fireproof, rot-proof and frozen-proof painting, and the painting is environment friendly, meeting...
Xiamen Kohlin Industry Limited
- henryhao
- 361012 - Xiamen
- 86 592 5205500
- 0086 15959210435