Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
Bulk Ghassoul Wholesale Details : Bulk Ghassoul Wholesale also known as Rassul is a reddish brown clay which is rich in natural minerals uses for both skin and hair protection. It originates from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. However, due to its organic mineral properties, it is...
- 40000 - Marrakech
- 00212 651 925 398
- 212524335449
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Quantity : 20000 - Price : 5,00 €
Huile essentielle d'Armoise : Originaire du Maroc, l'huile essentielle d'armoise (également appelée armoise) est dérivée de l'espèce indigène Artemisia, Artemisia herba-alba. Dotée d'un arôme mentholé, rafraîchissant et doux, l'huile d'armoise est largement considérée dans l'aromathérapie...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40100 - MARRAKECH
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Quantity : 20000 - Price : 5,00 €
Huile essentielle d'Armoise Wholesale Suppliers Au cours des deux dernières décennies, les huiles essentielles de haute pureté ont connu un énorme regain d'intérêt. En outre, cela est dû au fait que de plus en plus de personnes sont conscientes des effets néfastes sur la santé associés...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40100 - MARRAKECH
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Quantity : 20000 - Price : 5,00 €
Choisir le bon fournisseur d'huile essentielle d'Armoise en vrac Saviez-vous que les fournisseurs d'huile essentielle d'armoise en vrac ne vendent pas tous de l'huile d'armoise de qualité thérapeutique ? Si vous êtes un aromathérapeute holistique ou un particulier qui cherche à se...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40100 - MARRAKECH
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Quantity : 20000 - Price : 5,00 €
Huile essentielle de romarin : L'huile essentielle de romarin est connue loin à la ronde pour ses nombreux bienfaits pour la santé. Dans les quatre coins du monde, des personnes de différents pays et de différentes cultures utilisent l'huile de romarin pour diverses raisons allant...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40100 - MARRAKECH
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Quantity : 20000 - Price : 5,00 €
Les herbes de romarin : Originaire de la région méditerranéenne, le romarin est l'une des herbes que l'on trouve le plus souvent dans une étagère à épices, car il a un goût et un arôme merveilleux, et c'est un trésor en termes de bienfaits pour la santé et d'effets positifs si on...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40100 - MARRAKECH
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Quantity : 20000 - Price : 5,00 €
Huiles essentielles de thym Historiquement, les huiles essentielles de thym ont été utilisées dans de nombreuses civilisations comme remède à de nombreuses maladies. De la France à la Grande-Bretagne, et du Maroc à la Palestine. Le thym était très populaire comme moyen pour les gens de ...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40100 - MARRAKECH
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Quantity : 20000 - Price : 5,00 €
Huile essentielle d'anis en vrac pour les détaillants et les praticiens de l'aromathérapie L'huile essentielle d'anis est considérée comme l'une des huiles essentielles les plus puissamment médicinales par les praticiens de l'aromathérapie holistique. De plus, comme l'huile essentielle...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40100 - MARRAKECH
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Quantity : 20000 - Price : 5,00 €
Produits en gros d'huile essentielle d'anis L'huile essentielle d'anis est utilisée depuis des milliers d'années par les praticiens de la santé naturelle pour traiter une grande variété d'affections. Toutefois, lorsque vous recherchez des fournisseurs d'huile essentielle d'anis, il...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40100 - MARRAKECH
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Price : 1,00 €
Thyme, pungent herb of the mint family known for the aroma and flavor of its dried leaves and flowering tops. Thyme is native to Eurasia and is cultivated throughout the world. It is used to flavor a wide range of foods , including poultry ,stuffing's , fish , eggs , meats , sauces ...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Price : 1,00 €
Thyme herb belongs to the family of Lamiaceae, of the genus of Thymus. Thyme has numerous types with different health benefits and uses ranging from medicine to culinary arts. It is a perennial shrub with a thin woody base and square stems. It reaches about 15 to 30 cm in lengt, featuring small ...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Price : 1,00 €
Historically, Thyme essential oils were used in many civilizations as a cure to many illnesses . From France to Britain, and from Morocco to Palestine. Thyme was very popular as a way for people to : Get better. Treat pain, tiredness and depression. Become more refined. Add a special...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Price : 1,00 €
Native to the Mediterranean region, rosemary is one of the most commonly found herbs in a spice rack since it has a wonderful taste and aroma, and it is a treasure when it comes to health benefits and positive effects if regularly added to one's diet. The scientific name of this perennial...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
Palm Oil Palm oil is extracted from the mesocarp of the palm fruit. The most common palm oil is basically obtained from the palms cultivated in Southwest Africa known as Elaeis guineensis. The palm oil is produced in high yields and due to the abundance of palms in the world, this...
ARGANisme Cosmetics S.A.R.L
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212 651 925 398
Friday, January 01, 2021
Price : 1,00 €
Native to the Mediterranean region, rosemary is one of the most commonly found herbs in a spice rack since it has a wonderful taste and aroma, and it is a treasure when it comes to health benefits and positive effects if regularly added to one's diet. The scientific name of this perennial...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Rosemary essential oil is known far and wide for its numerous health benefits. In the four parts of the globe, people from different countries and culture use the rosemary oil for various reasons ranging from hair benefits to anti aging. Rosemary oil has proven itself as a natural...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
Orange is one of those fruits whose pulp, seeds, rind, leaves; everything is useful. Orange essential oil is obtained mainly from the peel and leaves of the orange. Orange oil is rich in nutrients particularly vitamin C. orange essential oil is multi-purpose but still not very common...
ARGANisme Cosmetics S.A.R.L
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212 651 925 398
Friday, January 01, 2021
Price : 1,00 €
If you have ever been to Italy, you will know how sour and delicious Italian lemon can be when used in juices. Still, out of this fruit, a very bold, bright and temptingly tart and zesty oil is made. It is a bounty of naturally disinfecting, purifying and cleansing is...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Price : 1,00 €
The health benefits of Caraway Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as a galactogogue, anti-histaminic, antiseptic, cardiac, anti-spasmodic, carminative, digestive, stomachic, disinfectant, diuretic, emenagogue, expectorant, aperitif, astringent, insecticide, stimulant...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
The largest manufacturer of Moroccan Black Soap The single manufacturer of Moroccan black soap If you are searching for a natural and effective remedy to nourish and exfoliate your skin, then look no further. As we have just the right thing to make your skin softer and glowing. Moroccan...
ARGANisme Cosmetics S.A.R.L
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212 651 925 398
Friday, January 01, 2021
Either you drizzle, splash or pour them. Vegetable oils have become an inevitable part of our life. Not only they are loaded with many health doles but they also aid us to gain many beauty goals. At BioProGreen Morocco we have the extensive range of unadulterated pure vegetable oils...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Black pepper essential oil is a famous oil, made out of black pepper, which is widely used as a spice around the planet. Still black pepper oil can be used for medicinal uses , a preservative and perfumery. The main advantage of black pepper oil happens because it contains piperine ...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
Grapeseed Oil Grapeseed oil is extracted from the seeds of grapes. It is an essential by-product of winemaking industry. This oil originated from France, Italy and Switzerland and now is easily available in the US as well. The grapeseed oil has numerous cooking uses as it has a...
ARGANisme Cosmetics S.A.R.L
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212 651 925 398
Friday, January 01, 2021
BioProGreen Perfumes Who does not adore the fascinating fragrances? Well we all do. It is a human innate to want to feel calmness and pleasure on sniffing something nice and fragrant. We have with us an eclectic range of perfumes which will please your sense of smell. We have the...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
Have you ever been in a pine forest or somewhere in a fresh peppermint field? Did you take the breath full of soul-soothing smell? The smell of essential oils that calm down the nerves and leave us enchanted and mesmerized. However, the essential oils are much more than the pleasant scents...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Friday, January 01, 2021
We are all conscious of the role of herbs in our day-to-day life. Although, they are utilized in a very small quantity, their utility surpasses their costs. Herbs include any plants that are renowned for the scent, medicinal benefits and flavor and also for a spiritual purpose. Bioprogreen...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Wednesday, October 07, 2020
Quantity : 100 - Price : 1,00 €
Huile d'argan en gros Nottre établissement ORIENTAL GROUP une entreprise installée au Maroc, plus exactement à Marrakech. nous sommes producteur esportateur d'huile d'argan en gros. Nous proposons des tarifs en gros, et semi gros si vous êtes intéressés, contactez nous . Veuillez...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Quantity : 100 - Price : 10,00 €
Huile d'argan en gros Nottre établissement ORIENTAL GROUP une entreprise installée au Maroc, plus exactement à Marrakech. nous sommes producteur esportateur d'huile d'argan en gros. Nous proposons des tarifs en gros, et semi gros si vous êtes intéressés, contactez nous . Veuillez...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Quantity : 20000 lite - Price : 25 USD
Argan hair oil is used in many of first world country as a main component to treat hair , nurture it and making it stronger ,able to face the numerous diseases of hair diseases. Argan hair oil has many benefits , we can mention the following : 1. Eliminate dandruff and dry scalp 2...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40000 - marrakesh
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Quantity : 1 KG - Price : 5,00 €
Group Oriental offers various ghassoul/rhassoul products. We deal as a wholesale supplier of ghassoul clay. The products are 100% organic and natural and we ensure their quality and authenticity. The ghassoul products are mostly face/hair masks and personal beauty care products. ...
argan oil company
- 40100 - Marrakech
- +212600604387