Spain 15895 Audio and Video
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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Quantity : 1000 - Price : 475,00 €

Incubadora Evo , con capacidad 72 huevos de gallina, 104 faisán , 120 perdiz roja , 180 codorniz , 64 pato, 36 ganso , fuente alimentación 230 voltios , 50 Hz , consumo de energía 185 wattios , dimensiones en mm 640x530x400h peso neto 9,5 El constante y continuo de la investigación...


  • ecocarclen
  • 15895 - Bugallido - Ames - A Coruña
  • +34 9 81 54 85 94
  • +34 6 38 10 62 08
China 201100 Equipment goods
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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Quantity : 1 SET - Price : 508 USD

Detailed Product Description features: 1.both interior and exterior made of non-eroting stainless for easy cleaning. 2.the space between the shelves in chamber is adjustable. -check of fan speed to prevent damage to the samples 4.self-check function easy to identify problem, 5...

Shanghai Jingke Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd.

  • 201100 - Shanghai
  • +86 021 54322210
Number of results per page : 6 30 150


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