UNITE - 1344 ads
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Quantity : Écharpe im - Price : 5,00 €
Écharpe imprimée feuilles Les caractéristiques des produits de ce lot sont les suivantes : - Pièces dans ce lot : 6 unités - Couleur(s) présente(s) dans ce lot : Couleurs mélangées - Taille du produit : 180cm*65cm - Matière du produit : Viscose 80% Laine 20% Localisation ... Location ...
- 75009 - Paris
- +33 6 49 64 88 06
Thursday, December 21, 2023
We always need the following scrap grades for our Asian recycling plants -electric meters -electric motors -transform -silicon sheet -shredded motor, shredded wires, shredded non-ferrous -automobile starter, alternator, ac compressor, engine, electronic parts -circuit boards, low grade boards...
Comtrade Recycling
- 999077 - KOWLOON,Hongkong
- 9075628901
- +639075628901
Friday, December 15, 2023
Price : 4,00 €
Sérum cheveux à Base d'Argan, de Ricin et d'Avocat Découvrez notre gamme d'huiles capillaires à base d'argan, de ricin et d'avocat, un choix privilégié pour les professionnels du traitement, du soin et du renforcement capillaire. En tant que fournisseur, producteur et distributeur de renom...
Oriental Group SARL AU
- 40100 - MARRAKECH
- +212524335449
- +212651925398
- +212600604387
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Application The measurement of the open and lock forces of bottle caps holds significant importance as both online and offline technical parameters in production. These forces can have a direct impact on the ease of product transportation and consumer usage. Due to its exceptional...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Application Evaluating the integrity through pressure decay (internal pressurization) leak testing is essential to confirm the sample's ability to deliver the necessary product protection. Seal integrity tests are conducted to evaluate options for sustainable packaging, cost-effective...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Application A heat sealer is a machine that employs heat to seal products, packaging, and thermoplastic materials. Heat sealing involves uniting thermoplastics through heat and pressure. Items like plastic bags and packaging are commonly shaped and sealed with heat sealers. A Heat Seal Tester...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Significance Gel strength is an important quality parameter in various industries, especially in the food industry. For example, in the surimi industry, gel strength is a key factor in determining the texture and quality of surimi-based products like imitation crab meat. It affects...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Application A Heat Seal Tester is a device used in the packaging industry to evaluate the heat-sealing properties of various materials, such as films, laminates, and other packaging components. The heat seal strength and integrity of these materials are crucial to ensure the quality...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Application The CLRT-02 Carbon Dioxide Volume Tester is well-suited for conducting CO2 volume testing in beverages. It provides a method to uncover the relationship between pressure and temperature, shedding light on how these factors influence carbonation volume. Testing process...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
应用真空采血管是一种由玻璃或塑料制成的带有彩色橡胶塞的专用容器。该塞子在管内形成 真空密封,从而可以轻松抽取和控制特定体积的液体,例如血液。塞子的颜色表明管中存在 添加剂,这有助于稳定和保存收集的样本以供实验室测试。这些管还可能具有安全功能,并 提供标签选项,以便在医疗保健环境中进行有效跟踪和识别。测试真空采血管针的描述是双 端的,为了安全起见,一侧被包裹在薄橡胶涂层中。当针头旋入半透明塑料持针器时,橡胶 针头在持针器内,露出的针头将插入静脉。当真空采血管管插入支架时,其橡胶帽被内针刺 破,管内的真空将血液通过针吸入管中。然后取出已填充的管子,并可以以相同的方式插入 另一个管子并进行填充。从管中排出的...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Background IEC 60068-2-75 is an international standard that specifically pertains to the testing of mechanical robustness for equipment and products. This standard outlines test methods for determining the ability of a specimen to withstand rigorous and stringent impacts. It is used...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
应用 医用包装测试仪是医疗行业使用的专用工具,用于评估医疗器械和药品的各种包装材料的机 械性能。它可以对聚合物、袋子、安瓿、橡胶塞、注射器和针头等材料进行拉伸、压缩、撕 裂、开启力、渗透、断裂强度和拉力测试等测试。凭借其适应性强的固定装置,该测试仪对 于质量控制和遵守医疗器械和药品包装的监管标准至关重要。多功能性这些是在医疗包装行 业中进行的各种测试和测量,以确保包装材料和组件的质量和安全。这些测试包括: 抗生素瓶和皮下注射针中橡胶塞的刺穿测试 安瓿瓶的断裂强度测试 塑料包装在外压下的泄漏测试 皮下注射针与针毂/帽之间的连接力 瓶子刚度测试 动画手指滑动瓶盖穿刺测试活塞阻力测试技术特点...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
The FPT-01 Friction and Peel Tester is a versatile and multifunctional device designed for various applications: Measurement of Coefficient of Friction: It accurately measures both static and kinetic coefficients of friction for a wide range of materials, including plastic films, sheets...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
FDT-01 Falling Dart Impact Tester Background Impact strength is a crucial parameter for assessing the quality of plastic films. It plays a significant role in determining a film's ability to withstand external forces and impacts, which can directly affect its cost and performance...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
CLRT-01 二氧化碳量测试仪应用 CLRT-01 二氧化碳量测试仪是饮料行业的重要工具,专注于测量碳酸化水平,这会显着影响饮料的起 泡和感官品质,从而影响产品卓越性和客户满意度。CLRT-01 专为二氧化碳体积评估而设计,采用自动化流程来揭示压力和温度之间的联系,这是彻底饮 料质量分析的关键因素。通过无缝融合这些元素,它提供了对碳酸化动力学的深刻理解,使 制造商能够保持一致性、调整配方并提供与消费者偏好和品牌成就产生共鸣的泡腾效果。自 动测试和摇动测试仪将传统的手动过程自动化:刺穿瓶盖→打开排气阀释放压力→关闭排气 阀→剧烈振动40秒→记录稳定的MPa压力(同时测量液体温度)→获取二氧化碳气体. ..
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Quantity : 1 - Price : 1,00 €
Application Assessing package seal integrity is crucial to verify the packaging's ability to provide the required product protection. Seal integrity tests are commonly utilized to evaluate sustainable packaging alternatives, cost-effective packaging options, and variations in production...
Cell Instruments Co., Ltd
- cellinstruments
- 250109 - Jinan
- +8618560733670
Tuesday, November 07, 2023
Avantages d'une ligne industrielle complète et automatisée de transformation de noix de cajou Les avantages d'une ligne industrielle complète et automatisée de transformation de noix de cajou comprennent : Une production plus rapide et plus efficace. Une réduction des coûts de production...
GELGOOG Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
- 450000 - Zhengzhou
- +18 6 38 67 59 56
- +8618638675956
Tuesday, November 07, 2023
L'unité de transformation de cacao nécessite un ensemble d'équipements spécifiques, notamment : Un torréfacteur: Pour torréfier les fèves de cacao. Un éplucheur: Pour éplucher les fèves de cacao torréfiées. Un concasseur: Pour concasser les fèves de cacao épluchées. Une presse hydraulique...
GELGOOG Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
- 450000 - Zhengzhou
- +18 6 38 67 59 56
- +8618638675956
Tuesday, November 07, 2023
La chaîne de fabrication du beurre de cacahuète se compose des étapes suivantes : Réception des arachides: Les arachides sont reçues de la ferme ou d'un intermédiaire. Elles sont inspectées visuellement pour détecter les défauts, tels que les arachides gâtées ou les insectes. Décorticage...
GELGOOG Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
- 450000 - Zhengzhou
- +18 6 38 67 59 56
- +8618638675956
Friday, October 20, 2023
Quantity : 3 - Price : 26000 l'unité
Bonjour, Je vends trois camions IVECO incendie 4x4, tout équipés. 58 000 km. 26 000 euros l'unité. Location : chemin hubac des deffends, 04800 Esparron de verdon, Contact : raymond Richard, 04 92 77 16 12
richard autoentrepreneur
- 04800 - Esparron de verdon
- 04 92 77 16 12
- 06 36 08 41 53
Monday, October 09, 2023
Keyplast has efficient team with many years' experience of injection moulding, while medical industry is one of our mainly focused industries. With our deep insight into the medical injection moulding industry, MacroMedics approaches to Keyplast for injection moulding service in the...
Taizhou Huangyan Fow Mould CO., LTD
- 318024 - Taizhou
- 86 576 84288218
Monday, October 09, 2023
Hot Biopsy Forceps Micro Tech China unites several therapeutic working steps with its practical 2-in-1 solution. On one hand, the disposable hot biopsy forceps serve as a conventional hot forceps, removing small colonic polyps precisely and safely in active mode and taking diagnostically...
MICRO-TECH (Nanjing) Co., Ltd
- 210032 - Nanjing
- 025 58646393
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Quantity : 1pc - Price : USD128
Rated Voltage: 12 ~ 36VDC; 8DIN+8AIN+8DO+1RJ45+1RS485; 1 RS485 Serial port, supports Modbus RTU Master or slave, can extend I/O modules; Wet Contact (NPN or PNP), Dry Contact; DO Sink or Pulse Output M series remote I/O covers a full range of units, including digital I/O, analog I/O...
- 518000 - shenzhen
- +13 6 00 41 54 26
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Price : 300,00 €
graphic cards , drones and aerial Imaging, digital cameras, video cameras and Lenses For product details , price and general information, Contact us: office email: order@profkeys.com website: www.profkeys.com All products are new, original, sealed in the box with manufacturer warranty...
- 88400 - sabah
- +60 1 62 49 31 87
Tuesday, August 08, 2023
This single-display vga lcd module is suitable for use in MB products .The LCD adopts one backlight with High brightness 6-lamps white LED. Construction: 3.5〞a-Si color TFT-LCD ,White LED backlight, FPC. General Specifications of 3.5 Inch 640x480 VGA 54PIN RGB IPS 400nits No. Item...
Shenzhen EXSON Technology CO.,LTD
- 518100 - Shenzhen
- 0755 2101 8006
Thursday, August 03, 2023
Quantity : 999 - Price : 123,00 €
PRODUCT DETAIL ❑Contact us Contact: Katherine Email: cn@mooreplc.com Tel: +86-18020714492(WhatsApp) Skype: live: cn_662 ❑We are the partner you can trust Moore Automation Limited can provide you with quotes for over 10000 professional parts, even if they are not listed on our website...
- Kat
- 361009 - Xiamen
- +86 18020776782
- +86 18020714492
Thursday, August 03, 2023
Quantity : 999 - Price : 123,00 €
PRODUCT DETAIL ❑Contact us Contact: Katherine Email: cn@mooreplc.com Tel: +86-18020714492(WhatsApp) Skype: live: cn_662 ❑We are the partner you can trust Moore Automation Limited can provide you with quotes for over 10000 professional parts, even if they are not listed on our website...
- Kat
- 361009 - Xiamen
- +86 18020776782
- +86 18020714492
Thursday, August 03, 2023
Quantity : 999 - Price : 123,00 €
PRODUCT DETAIL ❑Contact us Contact: Katherine Email: cn@mooreplc.com Tel: +86-18020714492(WhatsApp) Skype: live: cn_662 ❑We are the partner you can trust Moore Automation Limited can provide you with quotes for over 10000 professional parts, even if they are not listed on our website...
- Kat
- 361009 - Xiamen
- +86 18020776782
- +86 18020714492
Thursday, August 03, 2023
Quantity : 999 - Price : 123,00 €
PRODUCT DETAIL ❑Contact us Contact: Katherine Email: cn@mooreplc.com Tel: +86-18020714492(WhatsApp) Skype: live: cn_662 ❑We are the partner you can trust Moore Automation Limited can provide you with quotes for over 10000 professional parts, even if they are not listed on our website...
- Kat
- 361009 - Xiamen
- +86 18020776782
- +86 18020714492
Thursday, August 03, 2023
Quantity : 999 - Price : 123,00 €
PRODUCT DETAIL ❑Contact us Contact: Katherine Email: cn@mooreplc.com Tel: +86-18020714492(WhatsApp) Skype: live: cn_662 ❑We are the partner you can trust Moore Automation Limited can provide you with quotes for over 10000 professional parts, even if they are not listed on our website...
- Kat
- 361009 - Xiamen
- +86 18020776782
- +86 18020714492