Gaufrettes prix déstockage
This page is about importers and exporters of Gaufrettes prix déstockage Search in a category : Food Search in a category : destockage, prix, gaufrettes |
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
American Samsung Refrigerators
Quantity : 1000 - Price : 490,00 €
Exclusive Offer: Lot of 1000 American Samsung RS68CG882ES9 Refrigerators at Clearance Price! Seize this unique opportunity with a lot of 1000 American Samsung RS 68 CG 88 2E S9 refrigerators at an exceptional clearance price of €490 per unit. This high-end model is perfect for wholesalers looking to offer their customers a product that combines elegant design, advanced technology, and energy efficiency. Key features of the Samsung RS 68 CG 88 2E S9: - Large storage capacity ...
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Ozone generator application Jiahuan Ozone Generators application: 1.Aquaculture and fish farming 2.Cooling Towers 3.Water treatment,wastewater treatment 4.Vegetables and fruits 5.Food processing 6.Soil remediation 7.Food preservation 8.Livestock,poultry plants 9.Drinking water,purified...
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Quantity : 1 Ensemble - Price : $250000-2000000
Introduction En réajustant et absorbant les techniques similaires américaines et hollandaises, avec le mérite de design raisonnable, propulsion hydraulique, manipulation et entretien facile, et dynamique forte, le volume de production varie du 100m3/h au 1000m3/h, la profondeur...