AX Series (AX-400, AX-500, AX-600, AX700, AX-800, AX-900) portable anaesthesia machine offers SIMV supports the smooth transition to anesthesia resuscitation, promotes resuscitation efficiency, and reduces lung injury caused by man-machine confrontation. CPAP/PSV supports postoperative respiratory therapy to help patients to wean successfully and reduce the dose of sedatives and muscle relaxants applied.
Key Features of AX Series Anesthesia Machine
PCV, PS+ Apnea ventilation modes provide more flexibility to ventilation strategy, suitable for various patients' operations including pediatric and adult.
Advanced ventilation management, intelligent switch for key parameters in the conversion process of ventilation mode.
Support both low-flow anesthesia and min-flow anesthesia.
Electronic flow-meter, precise control, and convenient operation.
Intraoperative anesthetic gas usage statistics: easy for medical staff to know the cumulative dose of medication
Statistics of soda-lime consumption: early warning of the consumption of soda lime to prevent CO2 retention
Ventilator risk operation reminder: misoperation warning, risk operation prompt check, reduce operation accident.
Shutdown delay: avoid accidental ventilation stop caused by misoperation.
The ascending bellows pneumatic electronic control technology provides a more compact circuit and a smaller loop cavity, which realizes accurate ventilation.
Technical Specifications of AX Series Anesthesia Machine
Gas supply O2, N2O, AIR; 280j600kPa
Cylinder yokes Optional: O2, N2O, AIR
Fresh gas flow indicator Electronically display and virtual fresh gas flow tubes
Range of fresh gas flow indicators O2, N2O (0~10.0 L/min), AIR (0~12.0L/min) (increments of 0.05)
O2 flush 25~75 L/min
Auxiliary common gas outlet (ACGO) Optional
Anesthetic Gas Scavenging System (AGSS) Optional
Agent Sevoflurane, Halothane, Enflurane, Isoflurane
Ventilator Pneumatically driven, Electronically controlled
Ventilator Monitoring & Alarms
Ventilation modes l Manual/Spontaneous
l Volume control (IPPV)
l Pressure control (PCV)
l Pressure Controlled Ventilation Volume Guaranteed (PCV-VG)
l Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation in Volume (SIMV-VC)
l Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation in Pressure (SIMV-PC)
l Pressure support (PS) with Apnea Backup
Breathing frequency (Freq) 2~100 bpm
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) OFF, 3~30 cmH2O
Inspiration/expiration ratio (I: E) 4: 1~1: 8
Tidal volume (Vt) 20~1500 ml in Volume Control
All Trusted Medical Co., Ltd is a leading medical equipment company, we provide medical equipment wholesale, real time pcr machine, portable x ray machine and etc. If you wan to know anaesthesia workstation price or anaesthesia workstation, please contact us.
Location : 9A-501, Wutong Island, Hangkong Road, Ban'an District, Shenzhen, China, 518126 Hangkong,
Contact : SION HONVI, +86 0755 2372 9397