B2B Services
OEM Telematics
OEM Telematics |
It's a fact that most commercial vehicles are bought with financial loans. With GPS and immobilization functions enabled, the Hopechart OEM telematics system can help the vehicle manufacturers and distributors manage the loaned trucks in a better and safer way.
By analyzing the change of fuel tank level, vehicle speed change, mileage change, and accumulated fuel injected through engine, it provides detailed fuel consumption reports and finds out abnormal fuel usage.
How a vehicle is driven has a big impact on driving safety, fuel efficiency and vehicle lifespan. By analyzing the bad driving patterns and improving it accordingly, the Hopechart OEM telematics system is capable of helping the fleet owners solve the outstanding problems like high fuel consumption, high driving risk and high wear and tear.
Hopechart OEM telematics system can offer vehicle location in real-time, historic trips, speed analysis, mileage reports, stop reports and attendance reports.
Authorized third-party software is able to be integrated in the Hopechart OEM telematics platform, such as mobile Apps, ERP, CRM, after-sales services system.
website: http://en.hopechart.com/oem-telematics/
company: Hangzhou Hopechart IoT Technology Co., Ltd.
phone: +86-571-88963823
fax: +86-571-89775594
email: info@hopechart.com
address: No. 3, Xiyuan 6th Rd, West Lake Hi-Tech Park, Hangzhou, China
Good deal: buying from seller
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