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Tuesday, February 27, 2018 Price : 5 000,00 € Principle of SHR+ Nd Yag Laser Machine: Hottest selling multifunctional beauty machine. It combines the function of IPL SHR ,Elight, and Nd Yag Laser.You can get so many treatment results with only one machine. Working System of SHR+ Nd Yag Laser Machine: SHR: Adopts the most advanced... Bestview Science and Technology CO.,LTD
Friday, March 17, 2023 As 1.6 cu ft portable washer, it is a small but powerful washing machine, can easily wash your clothes. The 1.6 cu ft washing machine is designed to make your life easier: it's very easy to set up, use and relocate to wherever you need it. Featuring 6 of the most commonly used programs... WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED